Stir Fry Scallops with Asparagus and Ginkgo

Today is the 2nd day of Chinese New Year. How has it been goin' for you ?

During Chinese New Year, restaurants usually name their dishes to mark the festive season, and to symbolize good luck, prosperity and peace. For example,

八宝盒 -Eight Treasures - usually assortment of seafood and vegetables in a beancurd pocket
金玉满堂 -Gold Everywhere - usually some egg-fried rice dish with shrimp, and crabmeat
年年高升 -typically a festive goodie "nian gao" 年糕 , meaning "Promotion every year"
富贵有余 -a fish dish; 鱼 and 余 both pronounced "yu" ; with the latter meaning "abundance/excess"
一 路发财 -a dish that often contains black moss vegetable/发菜; 菜 and 财 pronounced "cai" and latter means "money or rich"

代代平安 (Peace and Harmony for Generations) is what I will name a dish, with scallops (带子) in it! For recipe, do check it out here. This is a nice change if you have been feasting excessively and wish for something lighter on the stomach.

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  1. Peace and harmony to you and your family! Happy new year!

  2. Happy new year to you! xo

  3. I'm wishing for 代代平安 and 袋袋平安 this year! :)

  4. Happy Niu Year! Gong Xi Fai Cai!~

  5. What a beautiful name for your dish, I like it :)

  6. mmmm this dish has all my favourite ingredients! i love the addition of gingko to this. :)

  7. Gong xi fa cai! I love the name 代代平安...with scallops..haha

  8. If food could have feelings, this dish would be cheerful and summery... with a light skip in its step... welcoming a bountiful year ahead! :)

    My dear friend, 新年快乐!

  9. The names are so interesting! Guess I will have to eat some scallops, fish and egg fried rice with shrimps before the CNY ends. Oh I know one, shi shi ha ha (smiles always) for a prawns/shrimps dish.

  10. what a interesting dish name!! How is your CNY? I guess you guys must eat all the time since foods is abundents there.Here we can just see and look at the net!

  11. Nice dish and full of meaning! Happy NIU year!

  12. very informative and yummy... :)

  13. I should come over to your house for the new year. The dishes sound yummy all.

  14. Wow nice dish!
    Happy Chinese 牛 Year!!
    Guess what I had for new years dinner?
    So not happy with it haha.

  15. healthy and wonderful dish!
