A Wikipedia for online shopping

Due to the recent financial crisis, we have seen consumers cut down on spending. We have also seen site merchants closing down physical stores and appearing online to do business. Why not? Online business offers a way to cut operating costs. A good online shopping site like ShopWiki not only offers relevant search results in the product of your interest, it also gives a detailed product description so that, YOU, the consumer knows what you are buying into with an extensive list of merchants and partners.

As a person who would one day want a dream kitchen with dream kitchen appliances and kitchen furnishings, I dived down into the cooktop buying guide. Why? Because observations have told me some kitchens come pre-installed with electric stovetops and I simple dislike it. I am for the gas stove! I thought it was better for temperature control while cooking. Anyhow, the Shopwiki site has information on the pros and cons of different cooktops. You can jolly well read up before you buy anything. There are also refrigerator buying guide, oven buying guide, and more.

This site is simply the one for online shoppers like me - a well integrated site which provides the kind of information that consumers wants.


  1. i had no idea! looks completely awesome! (=

  2. Get free coupons and savings for hundreds of stores plus print grocery coupons for dozens of your favorite brands.

  3. The world is growing. The people are also getting busy. online shopping is all about convenience and ease of access.

  4. i am such an online shopper. thanks for intro-ing the site! :) although the damn recession has indeed made me watch my expenses. hopefully it doesn't affect my food shopping lists very much!
