Tamarind Chicken similar to Coriander Chicken

There are recipes which I have bookmarked previously and which I have tried using again and again. This Tamarind Chicken from Delicious Asian Food is one recipe that I will turn to when my slow cooker calls me for a chicken dish.

The original recipe does not call for the slow cooker, and I hope I have not done the dish injustice by doing so. The Baba Coriander Chicken dish that I have cooked previously uses almost similar ingredients. As the dish speaks for itself, Ayam Sioh or Tamarind Chicken uses generous amount of tamarind while Baba Coriander Chicken uses coriander seeds, salted soy beans , (a.k.a tau cheo, in hokkien) and lemongrass. The flavor of these two chicken dishes are completely different but all good.

This bookmarked recipe will go to Family, Friends and Food who is the host for the week.

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  1. Looks nice. But I realized that I had chicken almost everyday. No more chicken at the meantime. :)

  2. Your recipe reminds me of my under-utilised slow cooker. It has been sitting in one dark corner waiting patiently for my "opening ceremony". Hehehe!

  3. I have never tasted chicken like this. Looks good. I don't have a slow cooker though.. what should I use?

  4. wow your recipes look really good. I hve a few on my blog as well stop on by sometime. I can't wait to make some of yours!

  5. This looks so very good! You are a cooking inspiration.

  6. Sounds interesting. My chef usually only cook chicken with soy sauces and ginger.

    She use slow cooker mainly for cooking soups. ;)

  7. This dish makes my mouth water, the skin of the chicken is making me drool most!

    My dog's not a vegetarian, but he loves his share of fruits and vegetables occasionally :)

  8. tamarind! My saliva was flowing like a tap! haha...

    I like sourish dishes.

  9. Slow cooker makes this dish a winner ;)

  10. tamarind? just the thought of it is making my mouth water! :)

  11. Must be good, I like the sour taste of tamarind.

  12. and the use of the slow cooker is fantastic. I have been using my magic cooker more often too.

  13. Oh my gosh...this is just making me hungry. I love tamarind on soup - haven't eaten it for awhile though.

    I must go find some tamarind.

  14. I love tamarind and also coriander so this is a perfect dish for me :)

  15. love tamarind sauce!! give me some w rice wt it!!

  16. You know, I don't think I can tell the difference between Tamarind and Coriander!

    I like food prepared by slow cooker by the way. Yummy!

    How about ducks? You think we can cook ducks the same way as you wrote?

  17. I really like the flavor of tamarind. One of my favorite appetizers is chicken satay that has been marinated in tamarind.

  18. I know that that tastes good.

  19. The chicken must be very soft and tender after all the slow cooking =)

  20. i tried this before and it was good !!! love it !!
