Onion Soup (Non-French Style)

What would you do if you have 3 pounds of onions? I do not know. Ginny Gets Floury is caught in this situation. Well...I was caught in a similar situation before, on a much smaller scale though - a few yellow onions leftovers and did not know what to do with them all at once. No stewing beef cubes - I can't make beef stew. With the only produce left in the fridge - carrot; and pantry ingredient - a can of tomatoes, I decided to make my (non-french) onion soup.

Onion Soup (Non-French Style)
2-3 onions, thinly sliced; carrots, shredded; 1 can of diced tomatoes, 2 fillets of chicken breast(optional)

1. In a lightly oiled pan, add in onion, and carrots, and saute/cook till tender. The onions should just about to be caramelized.

2. Add in diced tomatoes, then add in chicken stock/water to make into a soup

3. Poach the chicken in the soup mixture till cooked. Then remove the chicken from the soup mixture for shredding (optional)
4. Continue simmer the soup till all the sweetness of the onions and carrots are released
5. Before serving, you can garnish with chicken shreds (optional)

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  1. Very healthy soup! Too bad my girl dislike onion, I think she watched the cartoon and followed the cartoon character and think onion is yucky.

  2. Hmm, this is definitely good idea and easy to make a day soup!

  3. i love onions and what a great recipe for onion soup! thank you for sharing :D

    p.s. - may i add you to my blogroll?

  4. That's a good soup. My hubby makes onion soup from time to time.

  5. Ummmm, that broth alone is enticing.

  6. Looks so comforting and appetizing! Goes well with garlic bread! Yummy!

  7. This looks great! Thanks for participating! Some soup may be in order soon! :)

  8. HEY! haven't been here in a while! How are you??


  9. That's so creative making use of what's left in the pantry. Indeed with the changing economic times, one way of being frugal.

  10. That's very nutritious! ;)

    BTW, the quality of the $1 breads are good!

  11. I cant believe I"m reading this just b4 my class....arghh! :P....

  12. Looks tasty! We make onion soup from time to time too!

  13. I love onion soup! The french version takes really long to make, I think yours is really nice especially for a weekday night!

  14. hmmm...onion soup. Never taste it, looks yummy.

    thanks drop at my ws post

  15. I love onions but never heard of onion soup and I find it quite interesting. I'd like to try it someday soon.

    My WS is here

  16. a healthy soup perfect for a rainy weather we are experiencing now in Manila. Have a great week!

  17. i might try this, normally i jus use canned soup when i am in a hurry. my usual soups take far too long to double boil

  18. Nutritious, colorful, and delicious! What more can we ask for? :)

  19. bet this one is so tasty... :)

  20. I wouldn't know what to do if I have lots of onions...hmmm, well, maybe onion rings. hahaha!

  21. My kids don't like onions, they would pick them all out. :P

  22. I love french onion soup but this is just as nice!

  23. wow! not to say I dont love this dish but I really really love thos photos, so beautifully captured, looks so 3D. :)
