Steamed Shrimps with Garlic Oil...oooh la la!

There are some absolutely mouth-watering recipes that I come across while I surf the food blogs. I look at them picture-perfect and drool-worthy, ready to try the recipe one day...slowly but surely.

Rasa Malaysia's Steamed Shrimp with Garlic Oil is one that I have bookmarked for the longest time now since the recipe satisfies my criteria when it comes to cooking esp. for worker-bees: First, of course, it is fuss-free and a time-saver. Second, the delicious-ness.

The trick to saving time during a work week is to fry the garlic over the weekend, then store them (fried garlic and garlic oil) within air-tight container in the fridge. On a normal work day, you just have to thaw the shrimps/prawns from freezer to fridge in the morning; and in the evening, set the properly-sliced shrimps to steam with the essentials - fried garlic, some garlic oil, green onions/scallions etc. That is it. Of course, fresh shrimps would be better if available.

Also remember, you have to be patient - not to burn the garlic while frying, or it will turn bitter and spoil any other dishes.

If you find yourself drooling now, am I. I re-created from RM's recipe and the shrimps turned out almost exactly perfect. The recipe is very easy to follow. I am so happy. Thank you, Rasa Malaysia... *muakz and hugz*

This bookmarked recipe will go to Ivy at Kopiaste who is the host for the week.

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  1. The shrimps look perfect and my mouth is watering even if it is early in the morning. Thanks for sending it to Bookmarked Recipes.

  2. Wah, looks so very yummylicious leh. Pictures look very droolsome, too. Great job. I haven't made these in a while, you just reminded me of my steamed udang. Hehe. Thanks for the tips for clams linguine. I remember you love it and have a recipe on your site when you first started. :)

  3. I'm drooling over the garlic oil! I've been uninspired about shrimp/prawns lately: I think this is my kick-in-the-behind. Thanks!

  4. Hei hei! They look so ho2 jiak4! ;)

  5. OMG! Drooooooool. those "big" shrimps... GARLIC OIL. [contented sigh] I'll be even more content when I actually EAT some! =D

  6. Simple but yummy! Also the cooking method by steaming, it's definitely healthier.

  7. I like steamed prawns! But cannot eat too much because of high cholesterol. :(

  8. yes, your recipe is making me crave for one... :)

  9. As bookmarks go, this is sure one prawnlicious and gar-lick-worthy recipe! ;)

    And healthy too, considering it's steamed. Perhaps the prawns can be substituted with other meats if the cholesterol content is too high (something worrying me too of late after my check-up).

  10. Wonder if you paid RM a lot of money to reproduce & enjoy ( without the esteemed companionship of BSG ) her signature orange coloured prawns, which we never had a chance to smell or touch even when she was here in KL. sigh...

  11. Looks delicious leh. I haven't had steamed prawns for ages.

  12. The key success to this recipe is the pre-fried garlic. I had tried this recipe (following a cookbook) before but failed terribly becos I just put the chopped garlic on top of the prawns and steamed them together. LOL! Yours look so tempting!

  13. I've had this before in Guangzhou! However your photo looks so appetizing and perfect compared to what we had in Guangzhou.

  14. your shrimp is calling my name!! hehehe!! I just whack anything cook wt shrimp!! Yummy!!

  15. mmph! drool... i dont usually eat prawns but these make me wana taste some..

  16. One of my favorite ways of having prawns..steamed with garlic :) Brings out the sweetness and freshness to them..
    Happy Monday!! :)

  17. Truly made my mouth water! Looks amazing. Shrimp is one of my favorite things to make at home because it takes no time to cook!

  18. Nice prawns. Hungry now. Gotta get a bowl of prawn noodle for breakfast later. Hehe

  19. I'm drooling now. I like fuss-free cooking too on weekdays.

  20. Yum! I'm getting really hungry. :)

    Happy WS!

  21. This is really droolicious! Love steamed prawns with garlic, I'm going to bookmark this as well, hehe

  22. Oh my! I'm drooling - I'm a seafood addict! My kids really love that when I cook for them. I sometime put cheese on it.

  23. my mouth is watering from just the picture. i might try that recipe one day!

    thanks for visiting my WS!

  24. I think Garlic oil might have given rich and falvourful aromatic taste to the shrimps....Really Oh lala...

  25. I love shrimps. That dish looks so yummy.

  26. Oh my goodness it has been so long since I dropped by your blog. Maybe it is because I stopped weekend snapshots for some time. Always copy idea from yr food posts but modify a little :)

  27. am sure that is yummy. I am one of the persons who does not know how to cook and even how to eat/clean shrimps. But just with the looks i am sure it's soo delicious.

  28. that's great for the holy week.

    now im hungry!

  29. Oooh La LA!!!

    I too have been away much too long. I'm not sure as to why but I guarantee, I will be stopping by more often.

    I've never thought to steam shrimp. I too am cholesterol aware these days but I have a feeling the concept is worth exploring!

    Thanks so much for sharing, tigerfish...

  30. Wow, the shrimps look so good.I have to get some fresh shrimps and try this dish out.

  31. HAVEN done much frying lately so this is a motivation for me to restart tt routine again.

  32. It looks so delicious!!! *drooling*

  33. Gosh... i really want to try this way! It taste better with Olive Oil? or healthy purpose?!

  34. Wow ... if that is the size of the fork in the background, the prawns are really huge!

    I am hungry!

  35. gosh! that looks so mouthwateringly delicious!

  36. Holy YUM. The shrimp is calling out to me! This is an amazing dish... and I ALWAYS have to have a jar of fried garlic around the house. It's probably something that Southeast Asians have to have... ^_^

  37. I can feel the shrimps are swimming ...coming alive! wow!

  38. That shrimp is looking good!

  39. Garlic is never Garlic is considered one of the oldest medicines in the world and is used in making remedies for various ailments and physiological disorders. Garlic is one of the most effective antimicrobial herbs, as it has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anthelmintic and antiseptic properties.Consuming large amounts of garlic can cause heartburn, especially during pregnancy. If left in contact with skin of mucous membranes, fresh garlic can also cause local irritation and ulceration.

