Potatoes with Cheese and Choy Sum

I am not a cheese connoisseur but I do enjoy cheese once in a while. I hardly incorporate cheese in my cooking as when I do eat cheese, I tend to have them as-is like a snack - buying block cheeses, cutting it into small cubes, and enjoying them with cheese-worthy crackers (a.k.a plain crackers) - just like these crackertizers.

I hardly like processed cheese ever since I know they are not really good stuff. But not too long ago, I had processed cheddar cheese slices in my fridge. Don't ask me how/why I got them - it must be on sale or FOC. And I do have a funny logic that follows - it is processed cheese anyway, no harm using them in a cooked dish like... ... Cheesy Potato.

Let the cheese melt with those boiled potatoes in a microwave...

add some greens, toss it up, dash of salt and freshly ground black pepper... ...and that becomes my very own cheese and potato dish for MFT - Cheese and In Love with Food.

Can anyone tell me what is unhealthy about this dish? I need to know so that I stop deceiving myself!!

Cheesy Potato
...oh, I sound so cheesy and uncreative. DUH.

Tag: , ,


  1. Okay, I have to admit you had me with "potatoes." But it's a great way to use up something you didn't remember having in your fridge!

  2. I have been having so many cheese dishes this whole week, I'm feeling yucky. :P

  3. You came by the shop? You should have called me. I'll give you my phone number in FB.

  4. The combination of cheese and potatoes are fattening I think. I stay away from buying potatoes because lots of carb.

  5. Nah, I'm not gonna tell you they are unhealthy... but you sure are gonna tell me they are scrumptious! ;)

  6. Unhealthy ? You must be kidding ! Cheese & potatoes are good for you & us ( once a half year every other year)

  7. Ha ha! A good beginning for a series of creative Chinese+Western recipes...Yes, more to come! Looking forward to it. :)

  8. Hmm... I personally don't think this dish is unhealthy. Looks quite easy to prepare. Gonna try it out myself. Thanks for the idea. :)

  9. Every time I visit your blog, it makes me hungry. I am not a cheese eater, I'd like the American cheese singles just grilled or toasted (oven toaster) on top of bread. Your dish is so creative.

  10. looks yummy!!! perfect one for WS.. Hope you'll visit mine too. Have a great day!

  11. Hi,
    My head tells me unhealthy, my stomach is saying "bring it on"
    Sometimes the stomach wins, like today when I see cheese melted over potatoes!! :0)

  12. I could live on cheese, so these dishes really appeal to me!

  13. We love cheese here...mine is up! hope to hear from you soon

  14. Everything just taste better with cheese to me hehe

  15. Wow, this cheesy potatoes look so yummie...almost melting in your mouth...Great pictures!

  16. its' the call of the carb! It looks so good!
