Japanese sake and the Ninja

I simply love this glass bottle that I had to keep the empty bottle, after dinner one day.

As it is Japanese sake, the link goes to feudal Japan and ninja 忍者 (literally, "one who is concealed" or "one that endures"). When writing as Kanji, Japanese will tend to write the first character - 忍 (pronounced REN in Mandarin, 3rd tone in Hanyu Pinyin). This is the first character of "Ninja" meaning, to beat, to endure, or to tolerate - "to tolerate and endure" which is what I have been "practising" for the past 6-8 months.

I also like the "anatomy" of this single character. If you can read Mandarin, I hope you like it. Even if you can't read Mandarin, don't you think the strokes in that character are so amazing?



  1. It is a great character to learn in life. But sometimes really 忍无可忍!

  2. After drinking this, can 忍 more? ;p

  3. I have never drank sake... I would love to try it :)

  4. I think I lack the ability to 忍, lol. Maybe because I seldom drink sake coz the alcohol taste is a bit too strong for me ... so I should drink more to up my tolerance? ;p nice bottle.

  5. You're back! Welcome home!

    I have never tried sake. I don't drink much because I get drunk easily.

  6. ah. how appropriate to have the character for "to tolerate" on a sake bottle.

  7. oh, i think that should be my motto as a wifey and mom _- To Tolerate and endure.

    i miss the taste of sake. it's been years hihi. Thank you so much for the visit. Take care and till next weekend!

  8. I haven't tried sake, but i love the Mandarin writing!! so graceful :0)

  9. LOL great minds think alike!

  10. to b honest, i havent tried sake before. after reading this post, i will try it next chance i get :)

  11. Well said, if one can tolerate and endure, a lot of bad things won't happen in this world. But for one that have to tolerate and endure, how do one gets that stress off oneself?

  12. I love sake esp after sushi. I like the symbols/ characters in this bottle too.

    Thanks for sharing with us.

    Enjoy your day! :)

  13. I haven't tried sake.This is a nice shot of the bottle..

  14. I don't drink sake, but I'd love to cook with it! Do you know any good sake recipes?

  15. sake is good. but expensive and hard to get

  16. That is some very nice packaging! I rarely see such nice calligraphy on products with chinese characters on them. They all look like they were handwritten unlike some products which just use prewritten fonts.

  17. I should try this sake with "Ren", a bottle with a good meaning is worth a try :)

  18. Kampai!!Hehehehe, i just had some sake few days ago :-) great photo!!

    ps, im glad to be back into blogging!! missed your yummy posts!

  19. How does this sake taste like? I've tried a bit of kikumasamune sake but I can't accept the strong taste of it.

  20. Interesting! The character does have a nice, strong shape with an energy about it. I'll have to try that sake.

  21. That is a lovely bottle worth keeping.
