Stewed Pork Belly with Potato Cubes and 3 guys' house

A delicious meal prepared by 3 guys - Mr. M, Mr. F and Mr. A; and shared among 4 guys (3 of them + hubby) and a gal(me!). Guys from China, typically from Shanghai can do the "wokking", some said. I have witnessed, and tasted many successes to-date. This is one of them.

A typical home-cooked meal - meat, seafood and vegetables - all done simple and delicious. What more could we ask for, other than the next invitation... maybe? ^o^

Stewed Pork Belly with Potato Cubes - 红烧肉. Perfect execution in almost an hour's braising/stewing. Needless to say "only time will tell".

Stir Fry Shrimps with Ginger and Green Onions. The heads are on! So, this dish can't be anything bad on taste (but on cholesterol and impact on health - don't really care as we don't feast like that everyday).

Sauteed Kai Lan with Dried Shrimps. Awesome! I do not like overcooked vegetables and this is definitely NOT. Treat vegetables with TLC and they will turn out the way you want and meant to be.

Are you hungry? The food was completely wiped out and there were just five of us. You do the Maths.

Once again, we would like to thank Mr. M, Mr. F and Mr. A for inviting us to their home, and to such a fabulous lunch.



  1. I wish I got invited, too! :D

  2. that looks absolutely delicious. I'd like an invite too, lol.

    Happy WW!

  3. Mmm, that looks really delicious!

  4. Beautifully cooked! The pork belly looks great with only one hour of braising- so tender looking already! I wish I could try some of the shrimp. Looks really fresh and yummy.

  5. Simply and delicious. I am curious, is the shrimps cooked in tomato sauce?

  6. Wow... looks good.. I particularly love the pork and prawns!! yum yum!

  7. i haven't taken my breakfast and you're making me hungry.

  8. yummy..I would have loved to dig into those prawns..

  9. 红烧肉? Too fatty for me leh.

    Hey, u pple forgot to invite Miss D and her It Meows friends? ;p

  10. Wahhh..sure looks yummy!! Can almost taste the tender melting pork belly in my mouth!

  11. Wow, the guys from Shanghai can sure whip up some fine looking dishes. How do I get an invitation?

    Tigerfish, you've got my invitation to come visit Reno/Tahoe. Our four seasons are mighty appetizing if you are an outdoors kind of person.

  12. Oh yes! I am hungry... looking at those beautiful pics and delicious food!

  13. How nice that my "man" can cook like them! Hehehe!

  14. The meal is excellent... !!! Can you pls invite me? ;)

  15. The pork belly looks delicious!

  16. Cooked by 3 guys? wow.. I should be ashamed of myself...
    the pork belly make me drool!

  17. It's about lunchtime here and looking at these is making me drool.

  18. Next time you do that, send me an email..I'll be flying there :-) what a talent, such delicious on so many plates :-)
