Sour and Spicy Potato Stir-Fry - 酸辣土豆丝

Sour and Spicy Potato Stir-Fry 酸辣土豆丝 (pronounced Suan La Tu Dou Si) is common in regions of China (particularly North, Northeast) where winter is harsh and cold, with less leafy green vegetables harvest. At this time, families turn to tuber or rhizome such as potato; and bell peppers to concoct vegetarian dishes. Well, I know potato is considered STARCH by many and never a vegetable. But in Chinese cuisine, potato can be found in small appetizers known as 小菜.

Sour and Spicy Potato Stir-Fry 酸辣土豆丝
Ingredients: potato, peeled and cut into thin strips; bunch of bunashimeiji mushroom, remove bottom half of stems; half red bell pepper, seeded and cut into thin strips; 1/2 red chili, seeded and cut into thin strips; pinch of brown sugar; 1tsp vinegar; drizzle of sesame oil; some water if mixture too dry

Directions: To a oiled and heated pan, add ingredients and fry briskly for a few minutes till mixture softened slightly and cooked. Add a pinch of sugar and mix well. Before serving, add some vinegar, mix well; also add sesame oil for aroma and mix well.

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  1. I like the plates of xiao cai in Chinese restaurants. Great appetisers.

  2. I make a dish similar to dish but I use mountain yam instead of potato. This sounds great though! I haven't tried a stir fried potato dish in a while now.

  3. The addition of those mushrooms really give the dish an added dimension. Looks perfect with steamed white rice. Really good!

  4. Hmm...vegetarian dish that is simple and flavorsome. Would love to give it a try. :)

  5. Can be fillings for a new type of kueh! "Tigerfish" kueh? ;p

  6. I love potatoes with rice. Don't care what others say!

  7. anything spicy is okay with me!!

  8. I saw similar potato stir-fry on the Chinese cooking show too. They do love to cook potato this way.

  9. This sure sounds like a healthier way to serving matchstick potatoes. The addition of the vegetables and spices adds such an air of aroma. Thanks for sharing, tigerfish...

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. lovely vegetable stir fry ... and I love shimeiji mushrooms :D

  12. That does look delicious. I am actually inspired to try this out (when I next have some time to cook).

  13. that looks appetizing. i could smell the aromatic dish from here.

  14. Looks and sounds very interesting....

  15. This sounds and looks yummie, never had potato this way, have to give a try since I have a big bag of potatoes in my fridge :-)

  16. We make similar dishes in the middle-east, how interesting!
