Celery and Fragrant Tofu Salad, 芹菜拌香干

Imagine you do not have a electric food chopper/processor to finely mince the celery, in this Celery and Tofu Salad - 芹菜拌香干, what would you do? Use a heavy Chinese chopper/cleaver and start...chop chop chop...mince mince mince...and still...chop chop chop...mince mince mince.

Imagine you have celery and tofu, then "BLAND" comes into mind. Do not be fooled. This Celery and Tofu Salad - 芹菜拌香干 can be as fragrant as you want it to be.Not robust but subtly fragrant.

The finely-minced consistency betters the texture of this appetizer or dish. Contrary to what many would associate as a light refreshing summer salad appetizer(凉拌小菜), this dish aptly fits into the cold winter months. How? Why? Imagine a bowl of piping hot plain congee...wouldn't this dish fit so well as a simple side dish for the congee?

Celery and Tofu Salad  芹菜拌香干
Ingredients: 5-6 stalks of celery, blanched, then finely minced (note:drain away excess moisture or water. substitute regular celery with Chinese celery*; in fact Chinese celery works better if you ask me); 1-2 pieces five-spice marinated tofu, finely minced (note: available in Asian supermarkets. substitute: firm tofu); pinch of salt; 1/2 tsp ground white pepper, 1 tsp sesame oil

Directions: Toss the celery and tofu thoroughly in a deep mixing bowl. Add salt, white pepper, and sesame oil as seasoning and mix them really well with the minced celery and tofu.

Do You Know?...Chinese celery ( more usually known as 药芹 in Chinese, literally meaning Medicinal Celery)  is quite different from regular celery. The Chinese celery originated in a form of wild celery. sometimes known as smallage. As illustrated below, the stems/stalks of the Chinese celery are much thinner (and usually hollow).

Chinese celery also has a much stronger (pungency of medicine) and flavor, thus used like a herb (similar to parsley or cilantro) in cooking. Chinese celery can be a popular garnish to soups.

Hope the folks at Weekend Herb Blogging get some insights on regular vs Chinese celery at Mediterranean Cooking in Alaska this week.

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  1. this looks like a great side dish. I love the crunchy texture of celery..

  2. Oh...I love celery and tofu. This is very healthy. Sometime I added celery in my fried rice or mix it in my fruit juice.

  3. Sounds simple and delicious according to the ingredient list :). I am quite amazed how you got everything into such small pieces!

  4. Very healthy..I'm not a big fan of celery actually but my hubs would enjoy this.

  5. Interesting! I didn't know there is Chinese version of celery. My little girl loves celery.

  6. I used to have the Chinese celery version when I was still in Indonesia.

    In Winnipeg, I have to get it from the Asian markets.

    After seeing your recipe, I am tempting to try different way of using Chinese celery, not only for garnish on the soups. Thanks

  7. very healthy ... I think this goes really well with porridge too. I just love celery.

  8. You know, not sure why. The scent of celery doesn't quite get to me. If there is one vegetable I don't enjoy consuming, that would be celery ... lol.

    I use it for decoration ... hahaha.

  9. I actually have several of those big Chinese cleavers! My first one was a gift from a boyfriend many years ago, and then when I went to Hong Kong I bought a couple more. Love to use the biggest one to hack through chicken bones!

    I'm intrigued by Chinese celery, I've never seen it before but would love to try it.

  10. I like this cold dish you made, had it in Shanghainese or Peking restos, have not made it myself though! Some places make this in shredded pieces, but I think your dice version is even better in texture : ) I like it with a lot of sesame oil too!

  11. chinese celery is what my grandama calls kinchay and she uses that a lot in dishes and noodles. I like the other celery.

  12. Wow...that's an healthy and delectable salad....

  13. My mom always talks about how she likes Chinese celery so much more.

  14. I have an issue with Chinese celery that I purchased in the greater Seattle area.
    It simply doesn't have the fragrance and flavor that I am used to. In fact, the leaves of regular celery has a better aroma that the "Chinese" kind. For some reason, the Chinese celery here is "bigger/taller" than the ones I am used to in Indonesia. Perhaps, the genetic modification of the seeds has something to do with it.. God knows.

  15. I've had this bookmarked ever since you posted it! I think I'm finally going to make this tomorrow! =) Mmmmm...

  16. Eatclub vancouver, let me know how it goes, ok? :D
