Chinese Steamed Chicken - Gojiberry, Mushrooms, Ginger, Green Onions

As I write, I am pleased to tell you that I am into the last 25% of my book! I have been so busy the past eight months - researching, experimenting and writing. I am not done at this time as I believe my publisher needs the entire full draft to be in, before I begin the "nightmare" of editing my own work. More details to be revealed later.

Life continues no matter how busy. And I always turn to no-fail recipe like this Chinese Steamed Chicken dish. First, it REALLY takes not much time to cook. Second, you do not REALLY have to "eyeball" the cooking process - i.e. once you put it to steaming, you can REALLY perform other task such as watching TV, or reading a magazine, hahahha.....Of course, such a dish is definitely delicious, REALLY.

Chinese Steamed Chicken
Ingredients: 6 small chicken drumlettes; 6 thin slices of ginger; 1 green onion, sliced into finger length; 2-3 white or brown fresh mushroom caps, thinly sliced; 1 tbsp gojiberry, pre-soaked in some water; [Marinade]: 1-2 tbsp Chinese cooking wine, 1 tsp sesame oil; pinch of salt and white pepper

Directions: Marinate chicken and set aside for at least 30 minutes. Place the marinated chicken on a plate and then garnish generously with green onions, ginger, mushrooms and gojiberry.

OK. While I put this to steam for 15 minutes, I am off writing my book. Such a recipe can allow me to multi-task. WOO-HOO!

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  1. this is an awesome simple and delicious dish!

  2. Delicious! Always a no problem dish to make. Even if you put it in the steamer for too long, the juices instead concentrate and make the chicken so yummy. But of course, perfectly cooked steamed chicken is better. Haven't tried steamed chicken with gojiberries in a while now but have had it with other ingredients like wood ear.

  3. what wonderful flavors! Good luck on your book..

  4. didn't know that you are coming out with a book? congrats! looking forward to your book cos i always like your style of cooking - simple yet yummy recipes!

  5. Wow -- book! Congrats!

    This dish looks so pretty. We actually don't steam too much at home; it's an underutilized cookimng method for us. We definitely should do more foten, though!

  6. whoot, book? Can't wait to hear more of it! Congrats!! I like the look of your wholesome steamed chicken dish =)

  7. I have not tasted goji berry. Is it yummy?

    Good luck on your book!

    My entries:
    A Simple Life

  8. This dish looks lovely! It's really my kind of food!

  9. Now that looks so good! Happy WW

  10. Writing a book? Have to tell us more than that :-)
    Your chicken dish looks delicious and indeed it will give lots and lots of energy ;-)

  11. Congrats on nearing the end of your book. The steamed chicken sounds delicious - I've never cooked chicken like this before.

  12. I must learn to cook this dish for my hectic day.

  13. What book!? Cook book? Congrats.

    Must give me an autographed copy. :D

  14. I will pour a bottle of chicken essence in for a quick energy boost. :)

  15. i love multi-tasking too!! but more often i end up being so passionately involve with one and tendency to forget the rest :-) this sounds simple and yet healthy chicken dish!

  16. Very nice! And healthy too. Wow, a book! Way to go! Tell us more when it is completed :)))

  17. Wow ... a book! That is so cool!

    Happy for ya ... your loyal fan :)

  18. It sounds yummy! I can do this. :)

    Mine are here and here.

  19. Simple and delicious! Steamed chicken is always the way to go.
