Cooking vs Washing the dishes...

Though I enjoy cooking, I dislike washing the dishes. And when I have no time, my kitchen sink looks like THAT!?


  1. yup, that's the problem with cooking... what we just love it, huh... happy valentine's day!!!

  2. I shall say, am the luckiest woman in the world. My Hubby voluntarily takes over the washing part. He said to be fair in sharing housework: I cook, He wash! :)

    Happy V-day!

  3. guess nobody likes that... well, am lucky in a sense that i cook, hubby wash. :)

  4. You're more brave than I am -- my sink looks like that more often than I'd want to admit!

  5. That looks very stressful ... lol.

    Happy V day.

  6. Same situation in my home! Hubby's supposed to do the dishes, but he conveniently forgets!

  7. yes I agree, I think we all feel this way, however for those of us who have dishwashers, it makes life so much easier.

  8. I kind of like washing dishes... >_>

  9. Faint! Yeah nobody likes washing dishes. I managed to have half of the sink empty so that I won't faint from looking at it. :P

    Happy V's Day!

  10. That's why I love my dishwasher!:P If I don't have it, my sink will be full like yours. Hehe..

  11. People who cook should get a pass at the dishes! People who cook and still have to do the dishes are suffering a great injustice. The karmic balance of the universe is out of whack! ;)

  12. Let me come ther to wash ur dishes. Every women hate to wash the dishes after cooking. Dont worry, think it's exercise to wash the dish.

  13. Me too! I envy the chefs who are free to create because they have Plongeurs to wash the dishes for them and others to do the prep work.

    I have a small dishwasher but it doesn't cope with cookware and after my usual 10-12hour work day I have scant energy to cook let alone wash up. If only I could wave my hands and it would all be clean and back in the cupboards after I finished cooking. *SIGH*

  14. I also dun like to do the washing...Believe there will be more variety of disposable untensils available for sale to solve this problem? ;p

  15. Ha... c'est la vie, and I've been begging my hubby to buy for me a super advance dishwasher ;)

  16. I hate washing up after cooking or baking too! Luckily I have a helper. :)

  17. I hate that too. My fiance does the dishes!

  18. Me too, like cooking better :p

  19. Thank heavens the dishwasher was invented around 1886 by none other than a very illustrious woman by the name of Josephine Cochrane. She later formed a company which one day would become KitchenAid!

  20. ooops, my kitchen looks like that too hehe.

  21. Agree with you! I love cooking but the dishes, it's another question. Good thing my daughter is old enough to help me with the chores.

  22. I'm with u on that one! I hate washing dishes too!

  23. oh no!! welcome to the club! you're lucky have 2 sinks and I have only one!! I end up wash 1/2 pot and wok with hands and the rest in machine..but at the end I have to wash some plates from machine too coz it's not clean!!wish I can hire maid,don't you:)

  24. Oh really do dislike washing! I actually love washing dishes. My kids reckon I turn into the mummy monster when I see dishes in the sink! Thank god Mr G is not adverse to dishing washing but all my kids are, sigh!

  25. i am exactly like you, good thing I'm not a neat freak, so I can have a good sleep even if my sink looks like that. :)

  26. Wahahhahahha!!!
    For a second I thought that was my sink!! Looks exactly the aftermath of my old man cooking session!! :P

  27. ops...that is too much :D

    My entry for WS this week: in HERE. I hope that you can stop by also. Thanks

  28. i like dishwashing better than cooking:) but eating is the hands down winner among the three activities.

  29. i hate washing the dishes, too. i prefer to cook. i hope the view from your kitchen window is interesting enough to keep you entertained while cleaning up your sink.:D

  30. absolutely true! i love cooking! juts not the loads of dishes that goes with it hihi. if we survive recession, i am begging hubby to buy dishwasher or hire an extra helper hihihi. my WS entry is here

  31. Whoa! Looks like the remains of cooking genius!

  32. i do the cooking while hubby does the washing ... lol. :)

  33. cooking is fun but washing up is not =D I will faint if I see that many dishes too ;p

  34. I must be one of those rare ones that dont mind doing the dishes. But I HATE ironing big time!

  35. haha.. i am lucky that hubby and the dish washer do all the cleaning part..If i have to do that myself, it will be worse than urs .

  36. I think I need to come over because I LOVE to wash dishes! No joke, my parents started me on dish washing when I was in 1st grade, so I've learned to scrub the black spots off of any metal!

  37. i love doing the dishes. in fact, whenever i'm in the kitchen, it is off limits to everyone so i can do everything myself. the one thing i hate doing is the laundry :)

  38. My hubby loves cooking but like you he is not fond of washing the dishes either.

  39. Haha. That's what my sink looks like right now.

  40. Same here I also dislike washing dishes!

  41. how about a cute sponge from jusco $10 shop, babe? ;)
