Rosemary Potato Salad of Roasted Potatoes and Caramelized Onions

I don't eat potatoes very often since I'm more a "rice" person. The only time potatoes get sneaked into my food is when I have chicken curry. Sometimes...just sometimes, potatoes can be alluring, especially when it is "Western menu" for dinner. Baked/roasted fish with vegetables and roasted warm potato salad. This meal is complete.

With this, I'm geared up for the potato challenge hosted by Tinned Tomatoes for this round's No Croutons Required.

Rosemary Roasted Potato Salad
Ingredients: potatoes, boiled (70-80% cooked), drained, cubed; salt and freshly ground black pepper, dried rosemary herbs, butter, thinly sliced shallots

1. Butter the pan and fry the shallots till slightly caramelized
2. Rub some butter on baking foil, place the cubed potatoes on the foil, seasoned with salt and black pepper and rosemary. Place the caramelized shallots on top of potatoes. Mix thoroughly to ensure the potatoes are well-seasoned/"coated"
3. Wrap the potatoes and roast them in a pre-heated oven (to finish cooking) at ~180degC for about ~10mins


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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My favorite! Potatoes and rosemary is a lovely combo! :)

  3. These look so totally delicious. One can never ever have too many potato recipes. Thanks!

  4. I don't like potato previously but now because of hubby, I fall in love with it, haha...

  5. I love potatoes!

    Your rosemary roasted potatoes sound so wonderful yummy :)

  6. dont like potatoes... but your pics really nice.... :)

  7. Even potato is not my favourite though but I don't mind to have it baked... this is lovely!

  8. Something different! :)

  9. i do love my potatoes but try to limit eating them, they're making my tummy pouch bigger ;D

  10. For awhile, I was looking for your caramelised onions! THey look delicious although I am more of a rice person too.

  11. This looks good. I want to give it a try.

  12. I luv the smell of rosemary. I am sure these roasted potatoes will be a great hit in my family. Yummy!

  13. Potatoes with rosemary are the best. These look great!

  14. Looks good! I love the fragrant of rosemary.

  15. simple yet taste good side dish!

  16. I'm a BIG fan of potatoes..and I can see the crisp skin in that photo of yours.. *Drool*

  17. I love this .... baked potatoes...!! I can eat rice on a daily basis but not potatoes..

  18. these are my favorite side dish... yum... :)

  19. Your potatoes look great.

    I don't like the heavy potato salads with mayonnaise so this looks perfect.

  20. Rosemary & Potatoes with Caramelized Onions...who could ask for anything more...And, February is National Potato Month!

    Thanks for sharing...

  21. My hubby loves kentang. :)

    But he cannot eat it on its own. When we were in Australia, he still needs to have his daily bowl of rice at every meal. Eat at Chinatown or cook at apartment lor. :(

  22. Roasted Potatoes and Caramelized Onions are two of my fav foods in the world! Put together in a salad? Heavenly! :D

    (Some more got add rosemary some more... Yummilicious...)

  23. like you I normally take potatoes in Mcshops or when I have curry chickens like today, potatoes in curry chickens!

