Best Vietnamese food in Singapore !

We were cordially to a friend's house in Singapore to sample his cooking. Vietnamese food...Yummy! To recall, we have never tried any authentic Viet. cuisine in Singapore before. Well, we never even tried searching for one. I have grounds to believe it is easier to find authentic Viet. food back in California. California pampered us too much on good Vietnamese food ^0^

I'll just leave you with pictures to do the talking.

We started with Vietnamese Rice Paper Spring Rolls. And I can tell you that this is the first time I have tried to wrap one myself - DIY! It is almost similar as how the Peranakans have their DIY Popiah Party on the the "mode of wrapping". But I swear the ingredients are vast apart. In these Vietnamese Rice Paper Spring Rolls, they start you off by cleansing the palates. I vaguely remember the type of herbs used in each roll...just so many and exotic to its own. Light and refreshing even with luscious shrimps. And it was the first time I dipped my Vietnamese Rice Paper Spring Rolls in a sauce mix of hoisin and ground meat.

Isn't that gorgeous?

Now we were all waiting (impatiently) for the real thing ~Beef Pho~

The aroma of the spices lingering above the simmering broth aroused us...

A comforting naturally and richly seasoned beef broth, ladled over rice noodles and thinly sliced raw beef. The broth was just right, tasty yet not overpowering.

And there, we had the most delicious bowl of Vietnamese pho in Singapore...(yes, better than any other Vietnamese pho we have had in California.

We thank the host once again. ^o^

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  1. slurp! slurp! the shrimp is so delicious... I'm drooling...

  2. All of that looks delicious. What an adventure!

  3. I's take that soup! Yumminess:)

  4. My daughter and I love the Vietnamese Pho here in So. CAL, I cannot compare because I haven't tried it elsewhere. I think the taste is authentic. Those shrimps, make me drool....yum!

  5. oh my ... those look real good!!!!

  6. You always make me so hungry!
    Great food shots!

  7. Love the big shrimp in the spring roll, and the beef pho looks spectacular! The color of the broth immediately tells me this was fantastic! I also like that your friend added the green onions which give a nice pop of color to the pho.

  8. I remember the first time I made rice paper rolls, they disintegrated in my hands! Too much soaking. hahaha. Those look gorgeous, dear. Such huge luscious looking shrimps too!

  9. The Vietnamese Rice Paper Spring Rolls must be sweet with so many prawns added. ;p

  10. makes me drool --- i love the Vietnamese Rice Paper Spring Rolls. It looks soo good, I bet it tastes good also. Have a great week!

  11. Oh my... these photos are making me hungry! I love spring rolls and these viet spring rolls look so yummy. :D

    Happy WS.

  12. Wow, they look really authentic and delicious! Lucky you!

  13. Luv those paper spring rolls! Guess the size is bigger than our poh piah bcos of those big prawns. Yum Yum, I want some! Hehehe!

  14. My favorite lunch (along with some cafe sua da)!

    Another dipping sauce I like for spring rolls is warm peanut sauce (like for satay) with sambal oelek stirred in. Mmmmmm....

  15. The spring rolls look fantastic!

  16. Oh my god,
    Well said, makes me hungry for some Pho and spring rolls right now!

  17. Seriously enticing! Love how the coral pink of the shrimps are almost bursting through the rice paper! I could probably have a dozen of this in one sitting!!

  18. oh!1 my I love the spring roll!here is the recipe?

  19. Beautiful spring rolls! I love to make them, and I could make a meal out of them -- with a very spicy dipping sauce, of course.

  20. Wow, better than all the pho you had in Cali. must be good. We are very particular with our Pho soup as well. I just made a bunch of Vietnamese summer rolls this afternoon, but without any herbs, so not as fragrant lor.

  21. Mouthwatering! I love the size of those shrimps in the spring rolls!

  22. beh tahan oledi! you so bad bad . . .yes very suilar!

  23. Those prawns look like they're wrapped in little blankets, so delicate, and the beef looks like it melts in your mouth. I would love this ;0)

  24. Wow .. you cook Viet food too?!

    I love that spring roll.

    How about the Viet restaurant right outside China Square Central? I enjoying dining there.

  25. Wow, everything looks so good!
    I wanna try to make pho myself,
    Mmmm hopefuly it'll turn out as great as the picture on your site!

  26. Wow.. the pictures really do the talking!!! Yuuuuummmm....

  27. vietnamese girls are damn good too, full of subtle flavors

  28. I want to try those spring rolls. They look yummy.

  29. wah! it really do look like the best, especially the pho bo! but so cruel, it's not opened to the public hehehe

  30. I just returned from Hanoi a couple of weekends ago, and I miss those Vietnamese Rice Paper Spring Rolls and the Pho! Yummy beyond words! :)`

  31. The spring rolls and pho look fantastic!

  32. Looks so good! I love Vietnamese food!

  33. Viet food is a fav in our house. My son loves their version of Ginger Squid. To die for, I reckon.

    What a Great spread put up for you.

  34. The first time I had Vietnamese food, it was these fresh spring rolls.

    It was such a great meal and completely interactive. My hosts had the herbs, shrimp and roast fish all spread out on platters, each of us were given a stack of rice papers and bowl of hot water and they (hosts) taught us how to go about making the roll, dipping and eating it. That was such a long time ago but it is a meal and an experience that I will never forget.

  35. wow it all looks really yummy. i love the spring rolls but the last time i had it, the person put way too much basil (and i'm a big fan of basil) in it and i'm still a little shellshocked from tht. x

  36. The Viet food in Penang was soooo bad and it was supposed to be the best. Yuck.

  37. wah ... the prawns are PLUMP!!! hahahah... so translucent rice paper rolls, so .... inviting.

    pho bo better than in Vietnam?! now that's new ....

  38. Mmmm beef pho... What a treat! I have not really looked for good Viet restaurants in Singapore either, although there must be some around.

  39. I love Vietnamese food! Looking at the Pho...Mmmm...I must try make some soon:)
