Shrimp Crackers, or cute name Krupuk

Krupuk, keropok or merely crackers, if you wish to call it. So colorful and pretty isn't it ?

For me, I like shrimp crackers and the Melinjo version (slightly bitter) of crackers. It is a childhood snack for some of us, isn't it ? :D

What is your favorite childhood snack?

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  1. Why Weekend Snapshot so early geh?

    Love keropok. :)

    Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Oooooh yes! Keropok, krupuk or kroepoek and even krepek (?) The 'kruuuk' and 'kraaak' sounds it made :D I think without them, any meals are incomplete!

    I like most crackers but the most I favoured are the Melinjo, Shrimp and Fish. I like to dip them in sambal belacan and sambal oelek.

  3. I would buy this when I go back to M'sia also. And the spicy vegetarian one. :)

  4. These look interesting! I usually see these in just only solid colors, but these have color in the edges instead! Very cool.

  5. Keropok udang with maggi chilli sauce ;)

  6. My childhood snack, kerupuk/krupuk. Yumm. I miss the hotsand-fried kerupuk not oil-fried and dipp into petis (either shrimp/fish/kupang paste) sauce from kupang. Kupang is a kind of tiny shellfish.

  7. those arw so pretty my Child hood snackwas penny candy that now costs 25-50 cents

  8. Hee hee! I have eaten some weeks ago cos someone brought back some from Indonesia and gave to my chef. ;)

  9. I love keropok too, my mum used to deep fry them when we're young :D

  10. I love Kropek although have not tried the slightly bitter kind. Indeed reminds me childhood. :-)

  11. this keropok look colorful,love it! now you make me wanna to make one for myself!

  12. My kids love those crackers. Have a wonderful week ahead!

  13. Wow colorful......We have rice crackers which are similar in shape and color....

  14. Shrimp or fish crackers are fine w/ me. But they come in one color, either all white or yellowish. These have pastel color lining. Cute, yes. There's Kropek (a brand of shrimp crackers) in our country w/c has been around since the 1960s I guess. Never changed their logo nor packaging as far as I know.

  15. Now you make us feel hungry like small kids again want to eat clakers !

    Please teacher can have somore ah ?

  16. keropok is oily. personally i put in the microwave. it is edible but it wont expand so much :)

  17. That looks like a great snack. I used to love a popcorn snack that had the kernel's hull removed. Less crunchy than regular popcorn but delicious.

  18. I love them. Just reminds me back home. Yummy!

  19. love them! I tried them when a friend of mine brought me some after her trip home in Malaysia!

  20. my favourite childhood snack is the satay fish! yummy! I still eat them this days.

  21. I love shrimp crackers. The ones in your pics are really nice, I've never seen them with two colors in them. The one's I see are either pink or greenish blue.

    My favorite childhood snack is poutine (some may argue that it is more of a meal). Basically it is fries with gravy and cheese curds.

  22. so colorful, kids wld love it!

  23. We call it kropek here. That's a snack I enjoy as well. I like the pretty colors.

    I love banana cue, a local snack.

  24. I lived in Indonesia for 2 years when I was little - but I didn't like krupuk then! I would like to have some now, though...

  25. I love keropok belinjau or melinjo or belinjo whatever other names are out there. Somehow that bitter taste makes it so much better right? Sadly, they dont have it here. Used to though and then nada! :(
