Stuffed Tomatoes...served whole

I watched the Japanese chef peel the skin of each tomato while I ate at the counter. There was a large tray of peeled tomatoes waiting to be prepared for starters and served.

My patience waiting for the appetizer paid off as I thought it was lusciously beautiful.

Note: This was taken months and months ago at a Japanese restaurant in Taiwan. The restaurant was located just downstairs, where we stayed. I suddenly miss those "carefree" days. And I still have many "un-posted" photos to post, so here you are.


  1. I learned from a cooking show that to boil a while in hot water, then soak in cold water, then the skin will be peeled easily. I have not try.

  2. What is the sauce under the tomato? Or just the juice from the tomato itself?

  3. Is it sweet? Those white stuff on top of it are cheese strips?

  4. That looks --- just one word --- beautiful. Yummy too, the colours are amazing. Very appetising and desire-inducing (to feast, that is). :)

  5. the tomato look like tanglong!! so delicate!!

  6. I would agreed with you, definitely a stunner!
