Banana and plantain - fruit or herb ?

What?! Bananas are considered herbs?

Huh?!!!There are six most popular types of bananas? And how many different types have you tried or consciously try to differentiate?

Could you tell me the difference between this banana and that banana, above? Is one of them considered a plantain? Oh-so-complicated!

Do not underestimate a banana.

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  1. Here in Indonesia, we have so many kind of bananas, you wont believe from really small size until a giant size. It's so amazing, each banana has their own texture and aroma. Btw, we also have the banana stones (with a lot of seeds) to make the salad fruit sauce.

  2. ya you should never under do that !
    because it is legendary and essence of life
    hehe ( sinister grin )

  3. in Taiwan, they had this little banana that i first thought it was a plantain but was actually a banana!

  4. I didn't know that they are considered herbs! I get really confused about the types of bananas too but I know I like the small ones.

  5. I've just finished my workout and having a banana now, supposedly one of the best post-workout foods for nutrients and energy! :)

  6. The top one looks exactly like the banana we have in the US, but it's not plantain though. Plantain is bigger and longer still.

  7. The one above is ceh (green) gei jio?
    And the below is gek leng (indian) jio?

    I was told that gek leng jio is better.

    1. I was told the "ceh gei jio" was Del Monte banana!

  8. "Do not underestimate a banana" is a good motto for life.

  9. I've tried many different bananas in Indonesia, pisang susu, pisang raja, sooo many of them and they are all delicious...and impossible to find in hong kong. sobs.

  10. You're getting me really confused now ... hehe

  11. Plantain and banana are considered as the same call in Indonesian, Pisang. Just add another word behind the pisang, it will be different kind of banana. Pisang tanduk is what the English word for plantain.

    From the above picture, I didn't see any plantain. Plantain is usually bigger and has firmer meat.

  12. Bananas are anti-aging too because of its B vitamins. Great post! Happy WW.

  13. Yummy! I love bananas! Back here, the one on top is called "Lakatan" and the one at the bottom is called "Latundan."

    Happy WW! Mine are here and here.

  14. Plantain has to be cooked before eating and is basically treated like a potato-type vegetable.

  15. Bananas = constipation cure :P
    Medicinal use too I guess..hahhaha

  16. I love bananas. They not only taste great, but also healthy in terms of nutrition.

  17. i m so confused :(

  18. Have you seen milk "susu" banana, red in color and thick!
    Long time haven seen you dropping by at our website, guess you must be busy! :)

  19. bananas are plants and not trees, that's for sure.. but herbs? haven't heard of that... neither of the bananas in the pic are plantains. these are just normal eating bananas. Plantains are much bigger. in the philippines, we have a lot of varities, i think i've eaten more than 6 different kinds.

  20. I won't! I will seek to know more, too!

  21. Both bananas are table bananas, eaaten as is. Plantains need to be cooked. I do not agree with Napaboaniya. Bananas make me constipate. Haha!

  22. Herb? Now that is interesting.

    We have many varieties of bananas in the Philippines: I can share some (local names): saba, lakatan, seniorita (very small variety), latundan and more.

  23. Want to know more about bananas, go to Bollywood Farm and ask Ivy Singh. According to her website, there is 600 varieties of bananas and she has quite a number of them on her farm.

  24. Ah. There is an herb called Plantain. It is completely unrelated to either fruit, which are relatives of berries, I read the latter bit ages ago. But the way the seeds are arranged inside of the fruit is similar to berries.
    Unrelated: Kiwi fruit is also a type of berry. It grows on a vine.
