Hot Chocolate, Drinking Chocolate, Old World for the New Age

My friend YJ recommended this hot chocolate and I love it! I think she got it from Whole Foods. 54% cocoa, dark chocolate...what more can I ask for? Old World Drinking Chocolate does sound classic enough. This hot chocolate requires the stove top - just add milk to the chocolate shavings and whisk it over the stove top till the chocolate savings my oh-so-soothing drinking hot chocolate. Perfect with biscuit. :D

WHhaaat? It is so hot in Singapore and I still want hot chocolate?!?!?!? Well, this hot chocolate does fit in during rainy days and can be a "liquid snack" between meals.



  1. looks good. hope can find it in SG too. I like using cinnamon sticks as a stirrer too :D

  2. Chocolate is too delicious and nutritious for us so we take fuming hot black coffee

  3. A high class milo drink. ;p

  4. The weather in Spore is really very hot and humid now. This drink is a good choice for supper time too! ;)

  5. looks so rich and delicious!

  6. Can add ice and becomes Iced Chocolate drink for hot days too!

  7. Winter? Summer? I can have hot chocolate anytime!

  8. Oh wow this is of my favourite drink...Comforting and relaxing.....

  9. I'm getting nose bleeds just drooling at this hot chocolate.

    The hot hot weather in Sg is bad for heaty food or beverages. I can only lust after it. :P

  10. Your IQ is probably higher than mine. Don't be humble, go take the Mensa Test. As the Marketing Director of Mensa Singapore, I welcome you first.
    *big hug*

  11. chocolate.. my favourite !!!
    Can I have one cup?? :P

  12. I love hot chocolate and made one from cocoa powder and milk recently. Maybe I should consider to get some good quality hot chocolate powder for my hot drink after my dinner, even if the Summer is coming here in the UK.

  13. Hi, I'm sorry to comment about it here but I saw one of your comments mentioning about the 仙女牌 bean sauce. I've been looking for the brand name of this sauce. Do you know the name of the brand in English?

  14. i'd call that my comfort cup :)

  15. ooo.. a good cup of hot choc makes my day too. It's cold here now so i love one mug with pink mashmellows please!

  16. I thought you're in North Cali now,no? still in Sing?

  17. I thought the houses in the US are quite cheap nowadays. Are you and your hubby hoping to live in the US in future?
