Pasta Black Bean with Chili Tuna

Where will this can of organic black beans (black turtle beans) and that can of AYAM chili tuna lead me? Ehhhh... ...Paradise... ...Almost. As long as I am not mentally stressed out juggling between a 7am (time in office) to 7pm (time I stepped back into the house) day job vs my "passion" to make a decent dinner - I delude myself that I am in "paradise", at least. Pasta saves my day! So, should I say "pasta-dise" instead? Ehhh.....lousy play of words. Darn it!

With the whole wheat fusili I have, I combined it with with black beans, chili tuna, chopped Chinese vegetables that were blanched...and VOILA! My pasta dish is fully "dressed"!

This is definitely a simple dish to whip up for Presto Pasta Nights hosted this week by Sara of I'm a Food Blog but I am quite sure a simple dish can go far in terms of being healthy and tasty. Well, at least I know the quality of ingredients (I chose and bought them) that goes into my pasta and that sure beats buying and eating packed dinner too frequently.

Spot the vegetable, you will...

Tag: , ,


  1. This looks really great. I would have never thought to mix black beans into my pasta. It is definitely nice to be able to whip up something easy but home cooked after a long day, this sure beats take out!

  2. This looks amazing...this reminds me of the canned black bean fish that I haven't had in ages!

  3. This sounds delicious! I love tuna in pasta, and the beans sound great!

  4. This looks really delicious. I like the beans and tuna combination.

  5. Interesting combination of ingredients.

    Pasta later! :D

  6. I can't imagine how you manage to get this idea. :) Sounds creative to me.

  7. This definitely beats ta bao! looks good. Now I know what your black turtle beans, used western style means :) I like to toss tuna with pasta for quick din too but I've never added canned beans before.

  8. I always love tuna with pasta ..never try the black bean version .. will have to try this soon .. well done !!

  9. What a great idea to use black bean for pasta! Really "pasta-dise"!

  10. I've actually tried to just plain Chilli Tuna with pasta and that was good! Dirt cheap as well! I'll take it a step up and add the beans and vegs next! Thanks for the tip!

  11. Hi
    Just dropping by to see what's cooking :0)
    I love the pasta dish, we've got wholemeal pasta tonight, haven't tried it before but I know it's healthy!
    Will try this next week when I've been to the market to get the turtle beans (only place they sell them here) thanks for sharing :0)

  12. You really know how to mix and match the ingredients to get good food. I have not thought of adding black beans to pasta either. This sounds like a good idea... I'm not sure I can try this though. The kids do not like black beans :)

  13. Agreed, very healthy indeed! Black beans, tuna, greens and chili, I know it's healthy and delicious.

  14. That is one tasty looking pasta! I like using beans in pastas every once in a while.

  15. so simple and yet looks so tasty! Definitely gonna try this out! Thanks for sharing!

  16. Sweet! You're mixing two of my favourite ingredients to a hot, comforting meal - beans and pasta - into a single meal! Might mean a bit too much carbo-loading though... so thank goodness for the protein in the tuna to balance it out. :)

  17. you're so creative with pasta!! I still didn't try black beans with pasta yet!

  18. Great way to end a long day. Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights. I'm calmer, just looking at it.

  19. What a great combo. It looks delicious and so healthy.
