Mee Siam - a tangy rice vermicelli dish I love

Trying hard to find the noodles (rice vermicelli, to be more exact)? Yes, the Mee Siam is soaking fine and well in this tangy gravy.

Hey, there is still time to send in your entries to Presto Pasta Night (PPN). PPN #112 runs from 2 May - 7 May The round up will be done on 8 May 2009.

If you are new to Presto Pasta Night, "Pasta" applies to noodles as well - not limited to traditional-type pasta. Click here for more details about joining Presto Pasta Night.

It is as easy as (1) cooking your favorite noodle dish, (2) posting it in your blog and (3) linking to Presto Pasta Night #112 announcement (that would be this post) and to Presto Pasta Nights website. Then, (4) send it over to me at:

tigerfish1101(AT)yahoo(DOT) com(DOT) sg with a copy to Ruth at:
ruth(AT)4everykitchen(DOT) com

including the following details in your e-mail:

Your name
Your blog name and URL
URL of your post
A photo of your dish



  1. are you submitting this for presto pasta night?

  2. I often wonder how Mee Siam is made. Looks very tedious!

  3. I love Mee Siam too and this is so mouth watering!

  4. Hey, this gravy is so thick. Those i saw in many eateries are quite watery.

    I prefer mee rebus! :)

  5. Mee siam we think here in KL also refers to nyonya mee or kerabu mee.
    sourish and tangy, with strong serai taste and birds eyes chilis. A rarity

  6. I'm sorry I'm sooo late for this event... I have not been regular lately... :(

  7. Never heard of this....Looks yum...

  8. Looks fantastic. I can't wait to see the whole roundup. Thanks for hosting Presto Pasta Nights this week.

  9. The mee siam looks so appetizing! Waiting to see the round up too! :)

  10. I've only had instant mee siam. Yours looks so good!

  11. Watch me slurp some noodles and mess up the entire front of my shirt :)

  12. I did not know there is a pasta/noodle food event. Sounds great, I love all noodles. Never try Mee Siam, Wanna try : )

  13. This looks very flavoursome and spicy. my kind of food
