Chicken Curry (Leftover) Pasta - Presto Pasta Night #112, I'm coming

Finally, I'm taking a step forward to host my first blog event :D

Presto Pasta Night, it shall be. Why not? This has always been my all-time favorite blog event.

As your host for this week (2 - 7 May 2009; round up on 8 May 2009), I have started it rolling by this quick and easy pasta. I've used leftover chicken curry, coupled with fresh baby spinach to present to you...Chicken Curry Pasta.

Chicken Curry Pasta
Ingredients: choose any of your favorite chicken curry recipe, baby spinach (fresh, rinsed thoroughly), pasta (screw or shell type)

1. Cook the pasta, set aside
2. Cook curry from scratch; or for me, I used leftover (I shred those leftover chicken in the curry as well)
3. When curry is cooked, mix in pasta and pasta, toss well and serve.

If you are new to Presto Pasta Night, "Pasta" applies to noodles as well - not limited to traditional-type pasta. Click here for more details about joining Presto Pasta Night.

It is as easy as (1) cooking your favorite noodle dish, (2) posting it in your blog and (3) linking to Presto Pasta Night #112 announcement (that would be this post) and to Presto Pasta Nights website. Then, (4) send it over to me at:

tigerfish1101(AT)yahoo(DOT) com(DOT) sg with a copy to Ruth at:
ruth(AT)4everykitchen(DOT) com

including the following details in your e-mail:

Your name
Your blog name and URL
URL of your post
A photo of your dish

If you do not have a blog, just send mail me the recipe and the picture!

PPN #112 runs from 2 May - 7 May The round up will be done on 8 May 2009. Hurry!! Ruth and I - we are waiting....^o^

Tag: , ,,


  1. ooh your chicken curry pasta looks like it's out of a magazine!

  2. Nice combination of both my favourite food - pasta & curry chicken! ;)

  3. You know other than Singapore noodles I never would have thought to combine pasta and curry :)

  4. It's a very great idea to mix the pasta with leftover chicken curry! Next time I know how to do with my leftover curry! Thank you so much! :)

  5. Your curry chicken pasta does sound awesome and I'm thrilled that you're hosting this week's Presto Pasta Night Roundup.

  6. such an exotice idea. i can imagine that it taste yummy too.

    would love to cook this, one day......first i need to learn how to cook curry chicken first!

  7. Cool! I have a noodle dish in my draft and since you are hosting, I will send it your way within the dateline this week. Hehe... Btw, love your easy leftover curry pasta dish, that's my way of cooking too, using the leftover to create another dish. :)

  8. Like you, I have learned to recycle leftover food. It is the sign of the changing times. Good for our pocket. Have a nice weekend!

  9. I like the idea of combining curry chicken and pasta. I use laksa sauce for pasta too. But the chicken in chocolate gravy I had at Margarita's is not to my liking. :)

  10. Great recycled dish! Easy to make too.

  11. Another delish dish... Have a great week ahead!

  12. Oh my.. this looks so delicious!

  13. our pasta dish sure looks delicious!

  14. u have some great looking food n recipes here!

  15. Good idea for leftovers!

  16. Great idea to used leftover chicken curry. Looks delicious!

  17. pasta is wonderful! :-)

  18. my, i miss presto pasta night...and curry + pasta = sure win!

  19. Brilliant combo!
    thanks for sharing!

  20. I can and do like to combine any and everything with pasta. No matter how unconventional. The curry chicken is a great idea, both as a leftover dish and a pasta dish! Also, thanks for the great round-up.
