Baked Broccoli with Cheese

Believe it or not. I usually blanch my broccoli and eat them with steamed rice and other dishes (Chinese meal) or baked fish and potatoes (Western meal). How boring can this get. But I am used to that. Here is another simple variation to flavor up some blanched broccoli, oven-style (...means easy-style).

Baked Broccoli with Cheese
Ingredients: Butter, olive oil (butter and olive oil enough to just oil the pan surface), salt and fresh ground black pepper, 2-3 shallots thinly sliced, 1 garlic minced, blanched broccoli, cheddar cheese

1. Melt some butter+olive oil mix in a pan and saute shallots for 5 mins, add garlic, continue saute, seasoned with salt and pepper
2. When shallots turn soft/caramelized (without overcooking and burning the garlic), turn off heat. Set aside.
3. Place blanched broccoli on aluminium foil or baking dish, and pour the shallot+garlic mixture on broccoli and toss well.
4. Top the broccoli with cheese and baked in pre-heated oven 180degC for 5-8 mins till the cheese melts.

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  1. Hmmm...Interesting. KFC got cheesy fries and u got cheesy greens. ;)

  2. Healthy dish! I love broccoli. It is a great ingredient in many ways!

  3. Hi! I'm a new visitor to your blog!^_^ I'd love to try the broccoli dish. yummm...They look scrumptious with cheese and healthy with broccoli! :9

  4. You eat healthy too. I normally don't blanch my vegetable, I prefer to stir-fry it.

  5. I like to blanch my broccoli and cauliflower because it is easier. If I make it with cheese, I would just pour the cheese over. And I know how you feel about leaving California. We almost have everything even tungkoy (i don't know if I said this correctly) it is some herbal roots for soup.

  6. That sounds warm and delicious.

  7. Yum! I love broccoli and have tried every possible way to cook them including baking with cheese. Have a great week!

  8. healthy and delicious! I luv cheese in everything :)

  9. I have never eaten broccoli with cheese. hmmm....

    Are you still in Sg or abroad?

  10. I like broccoli wt cheese too!! delicious dish!!

  11. a great idea to try out during eeekends

  12. Hmmm. I love broccoli. I'll try that one of these days! My WS entry is here.

  13. I've tried broccoli with cheese before and I enjoyed it.

    You may find mine entry here.

  14. ohh this photos make me hungry now. :)

    Nice food shots! And yes they are easy to cook..will try that one day. :)

    Thanks for the visit!

  15. broccoli, one of my favorite but not with cheese, but my son loves it
    My WeekendSnapshotand I want to invite you,if you can join us at
    FoodTripFriday, it's a photo meme ,all about food. :)

  16. It cannot be boring if it comes from you , with or without the fish !
    Its green, with gentle thorns and it is good

  17. I love broccoli, and this looks delicious!

  18. awesome dish, brocolli is very good and health!

  19. Still in Sg, no sight no sound geh. Your email not working. :(

  20. How about Broccoli with Scallop? I always love this combination :)

  21. my, really looks good... :)

  22. i made this for dinner today. my daughter loves everything-broccoli, and never seemed to ever get tired of it, was thrilled!

    thanks, heaps for sharing.

  23. wow this sounds simple, healthy and delicious! might try it one of these days !
