Weisswurst sausage - the Bavarian meat that almost made me barbaric !

I had to clear my fridge and pantry before going away for a week and not much time to very much COOK anything either. So, back to assembling some food with some Weisswurst sausage, spinach and sweet potato. Hey, I am still getting my carbo, proteins and fiber! :P

Weisswurst sausage is a traditional white meat sausage(also called white sausage) and traditionally in Bavaria, Germany, the meat in Weisswurst sausage is not smoked and made fresh every day. I bought these Weisswurst sausages which do NOT contain nitrites and boiled them in water (to cook them) before consuming them. I boiled them because that is the easiest way to cook it and did not know that BY ACCIDENT, it was the correct way to cook it. What do you think?

It was only after I ate the sausage that I found - I might have eaten it the wrong way! To know the right way, here is "How to cook and eat the bavarian sausage " - check this out!

Tag: ,


  1. what a cool video! i've never seen that type of sausage before. at first, i thought it was bread because of the crack!

  2. Are you on some sort of diet? This meal looks way too healthy for me. :P

  3. You still have a balance diet by clearing up your fridge. Not bad! :)

  4. Boiling it is definitely a very healthy way of cooking.

  5. One word...Yuck! Happy WW:)

  6. Very balanced and healthy.

  7. Right or wrong way to eat, it will end in the right place.
    *pat pat tummy* :)

  8. I always microwave sausages coz I am so lazy and sloppy hehe ... first time I heard of this type of sausage, me suaku :P

  9. Tks for sharing this info. I learnt something new today. ;)

  10. It sounds so healthy, thanks for the info. :)

  11. sausages are not my cup of tea. happy WW!

  12. In anyway, it is a good balance meal. :)

  13. Interesting...very interesting...I've seen this type of sausage on the menu at my favorite Bavarian restaurant. Next time I'm feeling adventuresome, I will give it a try.

    Thanks for sharing...

  14. what a interesting video! Thanks for sharing this.

  15. The sausage looks curving good, with the skin on and the beer waiting !

    wonder how it feels like if its fish sausage eaten like a tiger chomp ?

  16. heheheh tht sausages looks so familiar! lol! heheheeh! me, bad boy!

  17. Speaking as a real Bavarian girl I got to take away your illusions. Weißwurst is not at all fat free, its fat content is at about 24% ;)

    You can avoid the crack in the skin by not putting the lid on the pot and letting the sausage simmer very very gently. But that's probably what the guy in the video said anyways. (sry, no sound here)

    I adore Weißwurst with some sweet coarse mustard and a pretzel.

    Try some Bratwurst someday for some more genuine Bavarian sausage experience. ;)

  18. Nice article you got here. I'd like to read a bit more about that matter.
    BTW check the design I've made myself Young escort

  19. Like one of the previous posters said: you steep weisswurst, not boil. The skins are not supposed to crack open. Also, you don't eat the skin :)
