Broccoli and Lentils Pasta - from "Cream of Broccoli"

Somehow I failed in making Cream of Broccoli Soup. I can't compose my thoughts on why and how it failed as it was too unmemorable to remember. Perhaps, I am not used to cooking with an intermediate step...for example...requires putting something already cooked over the stove-top-->into the food processor-->pureeing it further?

The outcome of the soup is just not as creamy as those I have had before. What I can remember at this instant is --> I did not use heavy cream --> maybe that was the reason? OK. That is not the subject of this post. I digress.

So...I ended up with a chunky(bits of broccoli) watery (too much milk?) "Cream of Broccoli", and decided to use it to create other edible recipes such as Chunky Broccoli Pasta, maybe? Sound too adventurous? In addition to the broccoli that has earlier been ground to small little bits (refer to picture above on what I meant by "bits"), I added lentils (bet you can see traces of that above) for more bulk (proteins actually, so that the meal is balanced!) Then, toss the pasta in broccoli-lentil sauce and top the pasta with hard-boiled eggs.

And a failed attempt in making soup (as a side) has turned upside to a one-dish meal!
Cream of Broccoli - success or failure, I thought it makes a good cream-based pasta sauce. Isn't it? The idea just seem to work. I know that is not new.

Broccoli Lentil Pasta (serves 2)
A can of (or enough for pasta sauce) Cream of Broccoli; 1/2 can of lentils, drained; cooked fusili; 1 hard-boiled egg, cut into wedges

Toss the cooked pasta in a bowl of Cream of Broccoli and lentils. Top with wedges of hard-boiled eggs.

This recipe is just a rough guide for ideas. Give me, or yourself an easy Cream of Broccoli recipe, and WE will be on our way to perfection!

A recipe inspiration out of a mistake, should be "original" for Culinarty's Original Recipes #13 .

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  1. A really neat recipe! Awesome for busy working woman!

  2. At least you made it to something much more tasty!

    I haven't tried making cream of brocolli soup either..

  3. At least you can reused it and made something nice. I think you definitely need heavy cream and cheese for making cream of broccoli soup.

    Also I have totally forgotten about Original Recipe round up event, thanks for the reminder. ;)

  4. Disasters are only one step away from success. I wouldn't worry too much, especially since you've got a delicious dish out of it!
    Thanks for sharing it with the Original Recipes Round-Up.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. An easy-to-cook and eat meal!

  7. This dish sounds simple and yummy :)

  8. at least you were able to salvage your cream of broccoli soup into a pasta dish!:P

  9. too much or not, it looks good:)

  10. this is simple yet delicious and never go wrong! :)

  11. Looks delicious ;)

    thanks drop at my ws post

  12. There was once, which was not long ago, I failed to make my creamy pumpkin soup too. Too much of milk added, that's why the creamy soup turned out too watery. Never mind, we learned a lesson.

  13. Great idea to use the broccoli soup as a pasta sauce! And, I love hard boiled eggs on top of dishes.

  14. kudos for turning the soup to a delectable meal. No wastage at all ^^
