Red Cabbage Udon Noodle Soup - Purple Udon!

Look at my soup, it's PURPLE! Welcome to the world of food coloring! What kinds of natural food can you think of, to make food colors? I know screwpine (pandan) leaf does a lovely job in making food GREEN. And in fact, red cabbage does a good job in making food PURPLE! Hmmm...what else can you think of?  

Udon Noodle Soup 
Ingredients: Tomatoes, bak choy, corn spears, red cabbage, fresh shitake mushrooms, instant udon, meatballs. Note: My homemade meatball recipe is here. There were deep-fried previously to make Stewed Lion Heads. This is the boiled version. You can use pork and adjust the amount of seasonings. 

Directions: 1. Cook packaged instant udon according to instructions. Set aside. 2. Prepare pot of boiling water, blanch the bok choy and corn. Set aside. 3. Add pinch of salt and pepper, drops of sesame oil into the boiling water, then add in tomatoes, mushrooms, meatballs to the boiling water and simmer till meatballs cook through. When meatballs cook through, dish out and set aside (Note: overcooking the meatballs will make them tough) 4.Add in red cabbage to the soup broth and cook till leaves are softened. 5. In a serving bowl, lay the vegetables (bok choy, cabbage, tomatoes, corn, mushrooms) and meatballs with the udon and ladle soup over the udon. Serve immediately.  


  1. I love udon and i love anythign purple!! so this one is for me :-)

  2. Thanks for your entry! I love noodle bowls.

  3. The only soup better than blue soup (blueberry coloring) is Purple Soup! Purple just happens to be my favorite color and after all this rain we've had, your soup is looking mighty tempting!!!

    P.S. Beet juice is a favorite food coloring of mine especially for Easter eggs. Onion skins work too!!!

  4. I have never tried coloring things with food, but I know beets do a good job of it and maybe cherries? Looks delicious.

  5. What a beautiful soup! Stopping by from PPN.

  6. Wow, I tell you, I'm going to submit a similar dish with you to PPN this week. We would have even submitted it on the same day except you are a day ahead of me, so I have to publish other post first.

  7. wow this is a lovely noodle dish you have there, so purple! :) I like it!

  8. this is a delicious looking dish. satisfying and healthy.

  9. What a good idea!
    I should try this too eh? The udons that I cook is so so boring. (that's why it never gets posted. LOL)

  10. What a great way to get kids to eat their food - turn it purple! Looks delicious for adults too!

  11. Lovely purple clor of teh UDOn. It makes it much more appetizing..

  12. oh yummy! and what healthy meal it is too-love the purple/reddish colour!

  13. wow, it's purple! Looks somewhat pretty =)

  14. This is such a healthy noodles.

  15. It looks so interesting udon :)

  16. Not so fond of udon. Like chor bee hoon more. :D

  17. Wow ... looks like food for the aliens! If only it was in blue ...

    OK, seriously, it looks really healthy. And I love the chewy udon a lot!

  18. Beetroot is good in making dishes red. What a great idea to use colour for noodles!

  19. Your this purple noodle looks very bountiful and fulfilling !

    so far the darkest noodles we have ever tried is the backlane tai lok meen of jln lama KL

  20. beetroot and ang zhao - red :D Your purple udon looks lovely, a first I have seen!

  21. oh wow. hubby would love this! he likes fresh vegetable soup and his one looks really healthy. i especially like the fresh mushroom.

    thank you so much for the visit! till next WS

  22. wow.. what a cool colour noodles soup!!!

  23. I have only tried red cabbage in salad but never cooked! Looks interesting!!

  24. Looks great!!
    I love bok choy in soups, interesting colour...does it make you teeth purple? I had to ask ;0)

  25. And what a lovely shade of purple! Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights. I always love it when you do.

  26. purple udon?! WOW! i like.

  27. wow, what a concept, who would have thought that's all you need to get purple udon... I love it!
