Shaved Ice Dessert - Red Beans, Taro, Grass Jelly

Grass Jelly, Taro Balls, Taro Ice Cream and Red Beans on shaved ice

Ask me ONE thing about Taiwan at this moment, I would tell you it is the DESSERTS that I miss. In Taiwan, they call it 吃冰, literally meaning "to eat ice". A lot of their "shaved ice" desserts are served on ice, similar to ice kacang. But that does not mean you only eat the ice.

Street food, good food, yummy snacks can be found at:

Nearby temples - 庙 口 小吃
Night markets - 夜市
Old historic - 老街
Close to major universities

This is one of the desserts that I miss while I was looking at my photo files in the folder. The dessert photo told me "You have not posted me yet". Oops, I am sorry. How could I? I have already left Taiwan sometime ago and I have forgotten about this.

Oh well, this happens when you save the best for last and when, the BEST gets FORGOTTEN. Yucks! I hate myself for doing that.

There are many dessert shops that specialize in Grass Jelly (仙草 ) and Taro Balls (芋圆) Desserts. Do check them out when you are there in Taiwan.

For all the other Taiwan episodes, do check out my Taiwan Eating link under Labels.

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  1. in the Philippines, we call it halo-halo (literally means mix-mix).:P

  2. Wow! That is one yummy dessert! :)

    Thank you for joining this week's WS!

  3. cannot hold myself to get a bite on them...... i wan my ICEEEEEEE

  4. wow.. this is perfect for me... I want some!!

  5. Woah ... the dessert looks very enticing. Maybe I shall pop by Taiwan one day.

  6. That really looks wet n delicious !

  7. Gosh! I would've loved a bowl of that!And Taro Balls?? I 've got to try those!

  8. try the philippine version : halo2x! for sure you will love it!:)

  9. i will definitely b looking fwd to this when i go in march!

  10. Wanna try the taro balls and icecream!

  11. we have that in the Philippines - halo-halo as they call it. shaved ice, green beans, milk, sweet coconut, with evaporated milk and sweet yam on top. i really enjoy it.

    thank you so much for the visit. till next WS!

  12. I want to visit Taiwan! The night markets and snacks are really tempting!

  13. I want to visit Taiwan too! I actually have relative living in Taiwan. The dessert look so tempting!

  14. Hi.
    Everytime I see a dessert from Taiwan, it looks amazing, so full of colour & flavourful...& sooo different from our desserts lol
    & what is grass jelly? pleeeze :0)

  15. I love this dessert...always that I have a chance to order it I do it! Great for the summer. Yummie!

  16. Wow! that must be so good especially on a hot day!

  17. woah. taro huh? Love all these creative desserts from taiwan! So refreshing!

  18. I prefer our ice kachang, not used to the Taiwanese taste. :)

  19. ooo i remember having shaved iced in taiwan with a variety of fruit and condensed milk at one of the night markets. it was so nice!! a little too sweet but refreshing nonetheless :) love grass jelly!! x

  20. Looking at these yummilicious desserts, I am craving for one now! ;)

  21. I love the combination of colors and textures in this dish! Wish I could taste it right now.

  22. Desserts is my name...fascinating dreamy for a warm day!!



  23. I never tried taro balls, are they really all taro inside??? Watching Taiwanese series so very looking forward to eat them but somehow I forgot to eat when in Taipei.

  24. Yes, I really miss all this Taiwanese desserts. You made me drooling.......!

  25. so much 'liao' in the taiwanese 'ice kachang' ... I need one any day to beat the heat here :D

  26. mouth watering desserts!

  27. how refreshing!!! :)

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