Gojiberry Chicken Soup - a natural immunity booster

Chicken soup for the soul, chicken soup for the soul - now I am beginning to understand how and why this term came about. Chicken soup really comforts me and my family. It warms us inside out and with carefully selected ingredients, chicken soup is also known to boost our body's immunity. Now I cook chicken soup (different kinds) every once a week as a source of nourishment and drinking this soup has somehow helped hubby and myself fight fatigue. Nothing beats drinking this bowl of soup after a long day of work and when we lose our appetite. The chicken soup is also easy to make and does not take me huge efforts to cook. As a result, this chicken soup has become a weekly regime for me and hubby.

When The Spiced Life announced Family Recipes, I was eager to share this recipe with everyone out there. The recipe was not originally created by me. Instead, I adapted this recipe from BBC - Grow Your Own Drugs documentary. Now this soup recipe is already a keeper. Especially when the H1N1 flu is still pervasive in the world, having a natural immunity booster is a PLUS for everybody. Garlic, ginger, onions, mushrooms, gogi berries, chili - they all contain essential minerals and antioxidants that makes this a healthy chicken soup.

Goji Berry and Chicken Soup for Colds and Flu (adapted from BBC - Grow Your Own Drugs)
Serves 2 to 3

2 chicken thighs and drumsticks (preferably organic)
Water to immerse the chicken pieces
1 large onion, peeled and sliced
4 garlic cloves, crushed whole
2inch ginger, peeled and shredded
8 shiitake mushrooms, caps only
5 tbsp dried goji berries, soaked in water to rehydrate
1 fresh medium-sized chillies, seeded and finely sliced

1. Place the water and chicken pieces in a large pan. Add the onions, garlic, mushrooms, ginger and place with the chicken in the pan. Bring to boil and when boiling, turn down to low heat to simmer gently for 1 1/2 to 2 hours, or until the chicken is tender and falls apart. Remove from heat
2. Five minutes before serving, add the goji berries
3. Garnish with sliced ginger and chili

We often make soups using Chinese herbs and do not usually cook chicken soup this way. But this way is really not a bad way. And I've actually grown to love it too!

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Chicken Soup (Immunity Soup)


  1. Woah..nice looking tasty soup. Sure would love a bowl now....very very cold tonite.

  2. Hot and Comfort bowl......looks yum...

  3. Another way of cooking chicken soup. Thanks for sharing this.

  4. hmmm truly comforting :-)

    wanna lay my hands on that leg, hehehe yummy!!

  5. Cool! A new chicken soup recipe to try, I will make this tomorrow, thanks for sharing.

  6. Looks delicious with the goji berries and mushrooms! I have to try this.

  7. That's very nutritious! The goji berries are good for eyes!

  8. Wow really comfort food. It looks and sounds super delicious, I think I'm going to try out this recipe this week! :D

  9. Comfort and good for you. I wish I had this when I was sick too! The goji would have made this soup sweet!

  10. a nourishing and healthy soup.

  11. this is definitely my all-time favourite chinese soup and my mum cooks it with black chicken which makes the broth so much tastier! this looks so good. :) x

  12. Wish I had seen that documentary on BBC, I may be able to get a copy of it though. I'm always interested in things that can help build the immune system, food, positive thinking etc. Having taken drugs for R.A.for a few years now drains the immune system considerably, thanks for posting this..you're a *
    (that's supposed to be a star lol)

  13. Natural immunity booster eh? Will it block HxNx?

    Anyways, it looks really yummy. I am a Cantonese. I love soup. Especially those that don't need too much time to prepare ... hahaha.

  14. This recipe is also a keeper for me. Tks for sharing. I used to add some Brandy in my chicken soup before serving. Do give it a try.

  15. This recipe is what my mom used to make...brings me memories of my childhood. Yummie!

  16. like this a lot! will try it! but why do we need to add the goji berries 5 min before it is served? i always add in together with other ingredients when boiling soup..
    if i dont add in the chilli but wil still add in ginger, can children drink it?

  17. Thanks so much for submitting, this looks great! I've always wondered what to do with gojiberries....

  18. Thanks for participating in our event! It is nice you have a tradition for you and hubby that you carry on!

  19. In every country in the world, there seems to be a healing chicken soup recipe. Whether it has chilies or goji berries or just carrots and potatoes, chicken soup is so comforting. Thanks for sharing!
