Chicken Macaroni

Each time I return to Presto Pasta Nights, I can't wait to share my comfort food with our lovely host - Ruth from Once Upon a Feast.

Not that I have not cooked Chicken Macaroni before, but each time I unveil a simpler recipe, it makes me happy. This time I merely use chicken, celery and carrot, and the final dish is still full of flavor yet light on the tummy.

Chicken Macaroni
Ingredients: 1-2 chicken leg (interchange 1 chicken leg with chicken backbones), 4-5 stalks celery, thinly sliced; 1 small carrot, thinly sliced, cooked macaroni, salt and white pepper to taste, green onions to garnish

1. Blanch chicken in hot water. Set aside chicken and discard water.
2. Boil water (sufficient to immerse chicken) in a pot. When boiling, add in chicken, celery and carrots boil for 15 minutes. Then reduce heat and allow it to simmer at low heat for about 1 hr till chicken is cooked. Add salt to taste.
3. Ladle chicken soup over the macaroni, add white pepper, garnish with green onions and serve immediately.

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  1. You make cooking good food so accessible.

  2. in indonesia, we eat this all the time :) yum yum yum reminding me of my childhood

  3. this is the first dish (so much more difficult compared to yours) i learnt to make when my elder girl was 4 years-old. its still her fav, now that she is 11.
    thanks for a much simpler version!

  4. It has gotten cooler here in NY - soup time!

  5. simple and nice. My type of dinner!

  6. *wants soup*

  7. this is perfect on a cold rainy day :) comfort food! x

  8. I would think of Macaroni soup only when I'm sick. :P

  9. Mmmm! This sounds and looks delicious!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

  10. i have never seen macaroni soup - how very interesting!

  11. I would've never thought of putting macaroni in soup but it's just like any other pasta right? I LOVE chicken noodle soup on a cold night and this is such a wonderful simple recipe!

  12. reminds me of childhood..almost the same style too!

  13. This sounds really simple and flavourful! Another weeknight recipe.

  14. I should cook this for my girls. :)

  15. looks so comfort food man. That day I tried your chicken soup with shitake, ginger ... and it was fantastic :D Thanks for sharing :)

  16. Easy peasy!! And it looks very very tasty and fulfilling! :-) Cheers!

  17. It is a perfect comfort food. Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights.

  18. Comfort food! Works perfectly for the common cold. Especially for kids :)

  19. A warm comforting soup to welcome the season. Simply delightful, tigerfish:)

  20. Simple yet nutritious!

  21. Haven't cooked macaroni for a long time because my hubby doesn't like it. This pasta reminds him of the sick food he ate when he was a child. Guess it's time to try again. ;)

  22. I like simple macaroni in soup just like this. It's one of my comfort food.
