Freezer-Friendly Food

Do you freeze cooked food? If so, what kind of cooked food do you freeze? For me, cooked vegetables are definitely a no-no. However, I find that pasta sauce freezes really well and it helps worker-bees a great deal when they can cook batches of pasta sauce during the weekend, freeze the sauce, and re-heat the sauce during the weekdays after work.

What kind of food do you freeze? And how do you freeze them to ensure freshness is "locked"? Airtight containers...what else?

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  1. I only freeze chicken stock. :)

  2. I freeze fresh pasta & use as I need. If it needs to be defrosted quickly I just lay it (in the bag) in a bowl of cold water. The sauces freeze well as you say...also I buy a glut of mushrooms, slice them & freeze. No good doing this with whole ones as they contain too much water. I definately agree with you on saving time for us worker bees :0)

  3. frozen pasta sauce makes our lives easier..

  4. I freeze most everything. Just yesterday, I bought some blueberries at the local farm stand. I took them home put them on a cookie sheet in a single layer and stuck it in the freezer. This morning, I poured all those frozen blueberries in freezer bags. I'll be eating "fresh" blueberries all winter!

    I also freeze stock, sauce, rice, bread (you know the heels no one ever wants to eat:) When I get an assortment I make bread pudding!!!

  5. A mom I know who is busy with kids school, activities, make her own wonton dumplings, freeze them and she uses them on busy nights. Very easy with just plain chicken soup!

  6. Curry freezes really well and I swear tastes better after some mellowing. I freeze both fresh and fried rice.

  7. So far, I've only freezed broth and muffins. Will try to freeze leftover pasta sauce next time ^^

  8. I have in my freezer, fruit cakes that my mum makes.

    I also have Bak Chang. hehe...

    Most of my food I put in vacuum container in the fridge though. :-)

  9. I freeze pho broth since I normally make a big pot of it. Freezing all kinds of soup broth is really worth it.

  10. i hardly freeze stuff as i'm quite used to cooking meals for 1 or 2. 2 easters ago, i went baking crazy and made about 4 cakes and 2 batches of cupcakes. had to freeze bout 3/4 of it before the girls got back from their holidays. BUT, they were awfully happy to come back to defrosted cupcakes an cake. x

  11. Some pple freeze bread right? ;p

  12. Wow....i mainly store meat and dals in fridge....

  13. Is it healthy to freeze food?!

  14. Ha, I freeze bak chang, bread, chili paste, banana, coconut milk, red bean paste, toasted peanuts, toasted sesame seeds and sometimes leftover curry chicken too.

  15. I always buy ground beef in bulk and freeze them in batches. They're so much cheaper that way and I keep them in small freezer bags. I usually use them up within a month or 2 though. I also love freezing pasta dishes and meat cooked in the slow cooker. Those I use freezer-friendly Ziploc containers and they make my weekdays SO much easier!

  16. Somehow I do not use the freezer as much as I should, unless it is bought frozen...something that I should try to use more often for made food, this would save me a lot of time :-)

  17. We buy all types of bread in bulk at our local Sam's Club and freeze, ie: sandwich sliced bread, bagels, hamburger or hotdog buns, garlic breadsticks, etc. And it always freezes well and thaws out at room temperature in no time. We have even made grilled cheese sandwiches on the griddle when the bread was still frozen and you can't taste a difference!

    We also buy a lot of our meat in bulk when it is on sale, like Cookie said, and we just use Ziploc freezer bags.

    And I am with Juliana.... I need to freeze more things for weeknight dinners! Keep the great ideas coming everyone!!

  18. We freeze raw meat - used to be we'd use non-stick tinfoil, but we got a free vacuum-sealer thingy, so we use the special ziploc bags and suck all the air out to store the meat.

    I also freeze veggie stock in ice cube trays - each cube is 1-2 tbsp - and I've frozen unbaked scones before and baked them later. Chili freezes well too. Everything else we keep in the freezer started out frozen (like ice cream).

  19. Hmm..this got me thinking...Well most of the time I just put the leftovers on the fridge but not on the freezer.

    Happy WW!

  20. i normally freeze pork soup or chicken stock.

  21. There isn't much I don't freeze. Ginger and garlic are great frozen. For garlic, simply smash the bulb apart and peel each individual clove then place in a jar and freeze. Peel leftover ginger, put in a sealed container and its ready to grate when needed. You can blanch fresh vegetables then freeze them, freeze cream, milk, cheese and butter (I find grating cheese before freezing it is best as it gets very crumbly in the freezer. I have grated it into a big seal-able bag so now all I have to do is scoop out a handful to add to cheese sauces etc). Also, raw meat, fish, leftover meals (in snaplock containers, ice cream pottles, marg pottles etc).

    Even with all of this freezing, I've never encountered a problem with food poisoning or any such thing. I think the important things to remember are: not freezing something that has already been frozen and defrosted, a good tight seal and using the food within a few months.

    Hope that helps!

  22. Corn on the cob can withstand the freezer. So can blueberries. Your food looks yummy.

  23. I got a friend who wld make a big pot of pasta sauce & freeze them in portions, and she'll be having regular pasta meals for the next 2 mths or so. I normally make extra batches of ground spices & freeze them. Makes life so much easier :D

  24. Non veg items go in to mine.
    You have great shots.

  25. I freeze cooked meat and pasta sauces.

    Mine are here and here.

  26. Wow, with so many things to freeze, I think I need a new freezer...on its own :)

    Thanks folks, for the great ideas :D

  27. I freeze a lot of leftover items. I like to portion pasta dishes into single serving sized containers and freeze them for quick lunches at a later date.

  28. Me? I store almost all leftovers in the fridge or freezer... the problem is remembering the stuff is there and to use before they expire for good! :P

  29. I don't like frozen cooked food. I prefer them freshly made or cooked.

  30. I always freeze my hub's lunch boxes. Curries, stews...even rice. and I agree, frozen veg is a no no.
