Bamboo Shoot Dumplings: 笋粿, Soon Kueh

笋粿 (pronounced Shun Guo, in Mandarin), most often known as Soon Kueh (a Hokkien/ Teochew pronunciation) in Singapore/Malaysia, is a semi-circular-shaped steamed Chinese dumpling originated as a Teochew (Chaochou) savory snack. Literally translated, these are also called bamboo shoot dumplings due to the bamboo shoot fillings in the dumplings. The flour dough/skin wrapping the fillings is made of rice flour.

Though we loosely call them "bamboo shoot dumplings", the versions sold in food stalls nowadays have fillings made of turnip (jicama) instead of bamboo shoots. Bamboo shoot - eh...that shall be the weekend plant for Weekend Herb Blogging, hosted by Haalo from Cook(almost) Anything.

Bamboo shoots are low in fat and sodium, yet high in fiber, minerals and vitamins. In Chinese medicine, bamboo shoot is believed to lead to excretion and thus sometimes considered a means of detoxification (and even help you lose weight!). To this extent, some aspects of Chinese medicine even believes that if one is on medication, bamboo shoots must be avoided as the shoots will neutralize the effects of the drugs. In the US, bamboo shoots are usually canned and 99.9% of canned bamboo shoots has a foul-smell (ermmmm...most canned bamboo shoots smells terrible, to me). You can find fresh bamboo shoots in Asian supermarkets in parts of the US but beware - you must know how to cook fresh bamboo shoots as they are toxic when raw.

To make bamboo shoot (or turnip) dumplings, shredded bamboo shoots (or turnips) are usually fried with garlic, pork, dried shitake mushrooms, dried shrimps and then seasoned with salt and white pepper. These fillings are then wrapped in a semi-circular rice flour skin dough and further steamed to cook the dough and fillings.

In Singapore/Malaysia, we usually eat these dumplings with dark sweet sauce and chili condiments.

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  1. "... sometimes considered a means of detoxification (and even help you lose weight!"

    Ooh does that make this a diet snack? Eat more and lose more weight? :P

  2. This looks delicious! Fresh bamboo shoot does not have the foul smell like urine?

  3. Bamboo shoots? How come those I eat always only with turnips? *Slap.head*

    p/s: Wrong! I saw an old man bringing his 2 YOUNG grandsons swimming in that bad quality water! The sign was just a few feet away from them...*sighz*

  4. is it like "fan gwor" in hong kong? yummm i like dumplings with dark soy, vinegar and lots of "dao ban jeong" (the bean chilli paste)

  5. I am one of those who loves bamboo shoots and now more reason to lose weight!

  6. I love bamboo shoots! I bet this is super delish!

  7. Just beautiful - your photo makes me want to reach in and take some!

  8. Yummy, I love soon kueh. I totally agreed with you about the canned bamboo shoot, it just has some sort of unpleasant smell.

  9. Have only tried those turnips ones...

  10. I wish I could have some of this right now!

  11. never hear of bamboo shoot dumpling! hmmm wonder wherer can I find any restaurant serve this typical dumpling in East coast!

  12. I love them but it's hard to find a good one now.

  13. This sounds so great. So how DO you prepare fresh bamboo shoots so they are not toxic? Thanks for visiting my blog, also; sorry it's taken me so long to return the visit.

  14. wonderful soon kueh you made!

  15. I have the recipe in my blog :D

  16. Awesome! Wish I had some right now!
    Thanks for sharing this, I've copied & pasted. On our next London trip I'll be able to buy the bamboo shoots from the Asian warehouse Yay!

  17. I like this. I also like its "sibling" the rice kueh (pink colour one).

  18. I love learning about new morsels. These sound yummy. Can you send one my way? Just a nibble...

  19. love this! very yummy!

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