How to cook instant noodles? WhAat? Do we really need a post for this?

Contrary to believing that cooking instant noodles is (almost) idiot-proof, it is not.

Some see the water to a full boil, add in the noodles, and bring to a re-boil to cook it.
Some add the noodles before the waters comes to a full boil, then further cook it to a boil.
Some (who choose to use the seasoning pack) throw in the seasoning pack at the last of the cooking process.
Some choose NOT to use the seasoning pack.
Some blanch the noodles to rid the "oil" in the noodles (since the noodles might have been pre-fried in the manufacturing process) before adding it to boiling water to cook it again.
Some like to cook the noodles till soft.
Some prefer to cook it "just right' and leave a springy texture to the noodles (equivalent to al-dente)

I like to cook my instant noodles this way: Do without the seasoning pack and drop an egg to the noodles when the noodles are half-cooked. Lightly stir the egg into the noodles till both noodles and egg are just cooked. No soft mushy overcooked noodles for me, please!




  1. Teehee, what a great post! I know what you mean about everyone (or at least, every Chinese/Asian person) having his/her own way of making instant noodles. =)

    Our sister-in-law likes her noodles sooooo soft! They'd be all soft and bloated! My brother like to use the microwave, but also, does his stovetop method different from mine.

    I actually dumped everything into the pot -- noodle, seasoning, water -- turn the heat on and wait for the water to boil. Usually, once the water gets to a rolling boil, the noodles are nice and al dente. =)

  2. I have plenty of ways in cooking instant noodles. I'll add the seasoning for the instant mee goreng and Korean hot and spicy ramen. For the ramen, I like to add lots of ingredients like hot dog, cabbage, crab stick, mushroom. :)

    If I don't want to add the seasonings, then I'll just use the plain noodles in bulk packaging.

    I like my noodles to be springy too. :)

  3. I have never cooked instant noodles before but you bet that when I do, I'll follow your way which looks much more delicious and sounds simple enough.

  4. About your "cream top" comment - I am not sure what is meant by that. Does it literally refer to the cream that forms on top of the milk when it is boiled? If that is so, then yes, it is cream top :)

  5. Tigerfish,
    As you know, not all instant noodles created equal. I am partial to IndoMie brand just because I am Indonesian. In a pinch, my favourite is Maruchan brand Roasted Beef flavour. I use the seasoning pack (not the whole pack since I find it too salty for my taste) and add the bouncy beef meat balls. Garnished with freshly chopped Chinese Celery. Fried Shallots. and sambal.

  6. I also heard that to get rid of the plastic-like covering of instant noodles, you must boil it twice. You need to throw the water from the first boiling, then replace it with a new one.

    Happy WW!

    Mine are here and here.

  7. I guess most of us are train to cook this dish even from tender age! :)

  8. I *always* add the seasoning pack.. I love my salty noodles =D

    And I cook the noodles in the MICROWAVE. Haha. I can't be bothered with boiling water. I just put the noodles and seasoning packet into a bowl, fill it up with water, then microwave the entire thing for about 1.5-2mins. And then, ta da- all done! (the noodles usually come out rather springy)

  9. I love noodles, all kinds, but wish I could find the buckwheat ones they used to have. The egg idea is great!

  10. I like my instant noodles al dente too.... Too mushy and there is no bite. I usually cook it in a pot though. Nice to see you do it in a full wok. :)

  11. I have a very specific way of cooking instant noodles ... and it must be al dente too - springy and quite firm hehe

  12. We just read of a Taiwanese Blogger ( lady ) who kissed 100 French men in PARIS , all in different styles
    ! We would probably eat instant noodles like that too
    LOL !

  13. heehee..I also have an entry on instant noodles..

  14. i love my almost raw LOL, literally dip into boiling water and take it out again ^_^

    nothing ruins the fun more than overcooked instant noodles (at least for me la~)

  15. Wow, no seasoning packet? Did you at least add a little salt or soy sauce? I used the seasoning packet for the special type of instant noodle I buy. I skip it when I buy the cheapo 10 cent each instant noodle, because I use that to stir-fry.

  16. Wow! I also drop an egg into the boiling water too! Sometimes I like the yolk to be runny and intact, sometimes I like to stir it around to curdle the egg in the broth. I am a sucker for the MSG packets, and I never skip them -- maybe swapping in with miso and soy sauce sometimes. I always put mushrooms, sausages or whatever I have in the fridge to cook with the noodles. I put salad greens or lettuce in the bowl before I pour in the broth/noodles. YUM!

  17. I like mine a bit dry - with thick gravy.

  18. The noodles with the egg look great! I don't like mushy noodles either.

  19. wah! how to eat without seasoning?? I must add sesame oil,egg ,vegetable and spicy sauce when cooking instant noodle.also must have specific brand plus the noodle must al dente not too soft or mushy!!hehehe!

  20. Oh! I haven't had instant noddles for a while, I like the ones that are more chewy :-) and I like to egg and vegetables.

  21. I have stopped eating instant noodles for a long time. But your post makes me miss them again....;)

  22. love this post!! well my way of cookign instant noodles is not so instant for i love adding up some chopped veggies and other stuffs so it is kinda complicated!! but of course egg is essential!! yum!!

  23. Classic!!! Depending on what the seasoning is, sometimes I dont put it too.. but i prefer it plain and stirfry with egg (So dry style!).

  24. I can't do without the seasoning. I put the seasoning first, then some seaweed, when it comes to boil, put in the noodles, loosen the noodles, put an egg. Then, cover the egg with the noodles. Boil for another 3 mins or so. Like my noodles still springy.

  25. My way? Well, just cook the noodle to just nice. Rinse under cold water. And then add boiling water separately cook with the source.

  26. Ugh! A friend from HS used to dump the flavor crystals on top of the cooked noodles!! It was so nasty. The first bite was sooo salty and then by the time you got through it, it was bland at the end.

    I always bring my water to a rolling boil, add the noodles, then drain a little water off to make the broth extra flavorful, then add the seasoning packet and then meat (my choice SPAM) & veggies. Finally a sprinkling if green onion and I'm set :)

  27. Like most people, I toss the MSG Packet, but thanks to all the Foodie Blogs, discovered the joys of "Jakarta Internet": Cooked and drained Ramen, stirfried with a little butter with minced Corned Beef, a raw Egg or 2, and then at the very end bit of shredded Cheese. Soooooo good!

  28. But then what seasonings do you eat your noodles with? :) I like that seasoning packet but I try not to use all of it. That said, I'm not too worried about ingesting too much salt as I never drink the soup!
