Figs(无花果) and Brie Cheese on Crackers

Fig season will be over soon??!?!?! I'm learning to appreciate fresh figs more and more. They are high in dietary fiber, potassium and manganese. While dried figs are available throughout the year, California figs are available from June through September. In Chinese cuisine, dried figs (known as 无花果 ) are usually added in soups to add natural sweetness. I love the fresh and dried figs, almost equally.

One easy snack I make out of fresh figs - small dollops of creamy brie cheese and fresh figs on top of crackers. The textures and flavors of brie and the flesh of fresh figs are...A Perfect Match!

Also remember: when you buy dried figs, get those dried ones which are un-sulfured. My favorite organic stores such as Trader Joes and Whole Foods Markets have un-sulfured dried figs. Of course, get the fresh ones too. I usually get two punnets of fresh ones when they go on sale ($2.99/lb) at Whole Foods.



  1. What a lovely snack - crisp and creamy - for the end of a brilliant summer! :)

  2. Have not tried fresh ones. Bring some for me leh. :D

  3. What a healthy snack you have. Hmm...wondering how fresh fig tastes?

  4. I want these :-) I love fresh figs but it is so hard to find it here...the combination of brie cheese and fig must taste so yummie!

  5. I love figs! Good thing I'm in CA now cz I never find fresh ones back in Taiwan!

  6. I dun think I have tried the fruit before. It looks like it goes well with the cheese and crackers :D

  7. That looks like a great snack. Sometimes fruits can be a little sweet for me, but I think the cheese provides a nice contrast.

  8. I love figs, I hadn't thought of using them as jam. they don't usually last long enough to do anything with on their way to my mouth :) Happy WW

  9. this looks so yummy but I never had fresh figs before.

  10. Where to find fresh figs in Singapore? Bring some for me two! :)

    Check that link...

  12. I love fresh figs too, but expensive leh. BTW, are you moved back to US now? Some where in California?

  13. Very good information to know! Thanks for writing about a fruit that gets very little attention!
