Millet Congee - millet grains or "bird seeds" ?

Millet is a grain (seed). I did not know how nutritious it is, until my friend introduced them to me. She uses millet when she cooks congee for her child. Then, I started to discover more about millet. It is easy to digest and highly nutritious. Millet is also a good source of protein, fiber, B-complex vitamins such as niacin, thiamine, and riboflavin. These "bird" seeds are high in mineral content such as manganese, magnesium and phosphorous; and rich in phytochemicals. Definitely, if I make millet congee, it will make a heart-healthy dish for Heart of Matter - Seeds and Things.

Millet Congee - 小米粥
Ingredients: Millet, short-grain or long-grain rice, water

Directions: Lightly rinse the millet and rice in water. Heat a pot of water (depending on the congee consistency you prefer, you can adjust the quantity of water accordingly) and when water boils, add the grains into the water and allow to cook for 20-30 minutes till millet and rice are cooked.

See these bunches of millet? They can be used to make Chinese millet wine.

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  1. When I was at beijing, they serve the dumplings with millet porridge and that's how I got acquainted with it. I like the fine consistency of yours.

  2. first time I've heard of this..

  3. I haven't tried it but I heard it's good for dieting too. Happy WW!

    Take a coffee break...

  4. So interesting! I don't know about millet too. But I heart anything healthy. :)

  5. this is one item as rare as blueberries here in KL

  6. I like congee,can't say I have had it with the bird seeds, but if its high in fiber than its great!

  7. I am a Millet fans... I used to make millet porridge for my son when he was few months old... until today I am still boiling millet with barley water for the whole family... it is cooling and nutritious!

  8. Interesting. Have not tried before. :)

  9. Interesting! I didn't know we can eat millet. I buy that stuff for my mom's birds to eat. I hv to try it out. Thanks for the info. :)

  10. How interesting! I just discovered your site and I am learning so much!

  11. I have never tasted or used millet... this is a great idea!

  12. I didn't know congee can be made with millet too. Thanks!

  13. I would have never guessed. Millet- gosh, I need to taste that!

  14. wow, i didn't know this kind of bird seeds can be good for congee =) no wonder those little birds grow strong being fed with that!

  15. I've been cooking with millet lately and finding new uses for it. Congee sounds like a great idea for it!
