Watercress Soup - Soup of the Day

Mention Chinese watercress - 西洋菜 (pronounced Xi Yang Cai) and most Chinese will associate it with SOUP. This vegetable turns out almost like another superfood to me. According to the online Chinese encyclopedia, consuming watercress during the Fall season (the season when flu/cold is rampant in Northern Hemisphere), aids better breathing in the overall body system, as watercress is touted as a natural expectorant. No more nasal spray, no more Mucinex. And believe it or not, some sources even state that watercress contains MORE calcium than milk, MORE vitamin C than oranges and MORE iron than spinach. Too good to be true? I don't know. But eating MORE vegetables can't be anyway harmful...

Moreover, cooler temperatures mean warm soothing soup on the way, warming our body inside out, comforting us outside in. Watercress and watercress soup for WHB #206, hosted by Yasmeen, Health Nut. Come, join us.

Watercress Soup
Ingredients: 1 bunch watercress, rinsed; gojiberry; red dates; chicken balls (made from leftover fillings of wonton dumplings)

Directions: Make chicken balls out of ground chicken mixture and set aside on plate. Boil a pot of water and when water boils, add in watercress and red dates and allow to come to a boil. When boiling, lower the heat and allow to simmer (pot covered) till the watercress is cooked and softened. Stir occasionally. Add in gojiberry and chicken meatballs and continue to simmer till chicken meatballs are cooked. Dish out the chicken meatballs and set aside to prevent overcooking of the meatballs. Allow the watercress to simmer longer. Finally, ladle soup over the meatballs and serve.

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  1. I love watercress. Such a versatile vegie!

  2. Love this soup! Like your idea of adding chicken balls.

  3. good idea (chicken balls); i have problems getting my girls to drink this soup, adding chicken balls might help.

  4. yep, I have heard the same about Watercress, my crazy aunt says it helps to sooth her voice so that when so goes to perform and sing,her throat doesn't get sore. I guess we'd have to add that one to the list.

  5. We'd started simply sautéing watercress like any other greens; just a garlic sautée. It's very good like that as well!

    re HoustonWok:
    Hmm, if it's true, that's a good tip re watercress and singing. =)

  6. That looks so very delicious!

  7. Some also use it to make Chinese herbal tea. I love both soup and herbal tea version.

  8. I love watercress soup. By the way, it can be used for stir-frying too.

  9. cameron highlands , Malaysia has some watercrest farms selling juice, while the towns incorporate this vege into their steamboat menu. neat. maybe thats why those fellas in cameron highlands never sneeze and have rosy cheeks of vitamins c and f

  10. wah...I hven't had this soup ever since I moved to France. I love love this soup. How I miss it. :(

  11. I don't think I've had watercress..interesting..

  12. MMMM! i love watercress. one of my fav homecooked chinese soups is just that. delicious. and so refreshing. although fresh watercress and egg mayo sandwiches are just yummy too.

  13. your soup is calling my name!! long time didn't taste this healthy yummy soup..I think it's time to make some now!!

  14. Yummy and healthy! Are there any leftovers?

  15. This soup looks really tasty. I've never had watercress soup before.

  16. I have never tasted watercress, is it tart in taste? Caould you help me describe me its taste?

  17. I'm definitely buying these next time I see them in stores,must be a soothing soup for the flu season.thanks for sending it to WHB :D

  18. Lovely soup!! I havent had it for too long :(

  19. Oh, I cook that soup very often. I use pork though, instead of leftover chicken.

    And even more often, I boil it briefly in hot water and serve with oyster sauce. A simple but very delicious vegetable dish.

  20. Watercress is one of my FAVORITE soups! Good to know about it being a natural expectorant. New info for me!

  21. I miss this! My grandma used to cook this a lot.

  22. I love the addition of some meat in this soup!! Very healthy too.

  23. I love watercress soup, it's so nourishing. I love the addition of chicken balls in your version ^^

  24. Love this soup! Actually just had it for lunch yesterday. Always yummy :).
