Pumpkin or Acorn Squash Stir Fry

The variety of pumpkin and squash in the supermarkets or grocery stores confuses me a lot. Even the name "pumpkin" and "squash" confuse me. Is pumpkin = squash? Is pumpkin  part of squash family, or maybe the other way round? I know there is Google Search but there are times (at this minute) when I just do not want to do it. I am sure my fellow blogger friends would be able to stimulate and open up my mind more, on pumpkin and squash. I have already learn from them, that some pumpkins are more suitable for baking while others, more suitable for cooking. And some, suitable for Savory Pumpkin Cake.

Stir-Fry Acorn Squash*
Ingredients: 1 small acorn squash, remove seeds (note: keep the seeds aside for roasting**), peeled, then cubed; 2 stalk green onions, cut into small pieces; pinch of ground cumin, salt and pepper, to taste

Directions: Heat 1 tbsp of oil in a pan. Add green onions and fry till fragrant. Add in cubed squash, pinch of cumin and mix well. Cover the pan and allow to simmer at low heat till squash softens. Add some water, if mixture too dry and continue to simmer at low heat. Add salt and pepper, to taste. Serve when squash completely cooks through.

*If unsure, ask! And the friendly staff at Whole Foods recommended Acorn Squash for stir-frying. It works!
** Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Penzeys Fall Spices Giveaway is ON! To learn how you can be a winner, go read their special announcement. Well, I'm thinking...Fall pumpkins and Fall spices...what a great match!

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  1. This is new to me. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Ah...so complicated. I'm confuse...
    I just know pumpkin, which I used to stir fry with dried shrimps. :)

  3. oo that is something I havent cooked before. Squash for stirfry hey.hmm..

  4. I have never try cooking with squash or pumpkin too.

  5. That confuses me too, but I love squash, especially when cooked with coconut milk.

  6. I love munching on roasted squash seeds!

    Mine are here and here.

  7. Oh! Love the simplicity of this dish...yummie! And the seeds, love to munch on it!

  8. i still have a quarter of butternut squash in the fridge...why i never remember to keep the seeds of any squash :(

  9. Pumpkin is indeed a squash. But don't think so much about it. Just enjoy! ;)

  10. It is true that there are lots of varieties about the pumpkins in super-market.By the way,the recipe is good to make and to taste its deliciousness.I never made any pumpkin recipe at home but I will soon make this as per given steps.

  11. we thoz squash was a game using rackets, din know it can be eaten
    LOL !

  12. So interesting. Din know can eat the seeds leh.

  13. I've never tried taht I bet it's tasty. Happy WW

  14. hmm the insides look the same but I think squash is sweeter.

  15. that looks delightful. happy WW!

  16. OMG... I forgot this is a pumpkin season. I saw lots posts of pumpkin. Love the colour!

  17. pumpkin or squash, I love them all :D

  18. Ooh, I love pumpkin... in soups, steamed and mashed with rice, or fried like this! I had some really good pumpkin sticks fried in a salted egg yolk batter the other day... Wondering if you'd be keen to experiment with that? (Warning: High cholesterol though.)

  19. Hehe, squash has many different names.
    Like Gourgettes.
    The ones you get in the shops are only "babies".
    Those we grew in our Garden tends to be at least the seize of my legs.

    Food for several days. And there is a 1000 ways to use them.

    Have a happy meal
