Lettuce, lettuce stems, celtuce, asparagus lettuce - confused?

I had better luck using a Chinese search engine - Baidu, when I wanted to know what lettuce stem was. Known in Mandarin as 莴笋 (WoSun) or 莴苣 (WoJu), lettuce stem is also known as Celtuce, or Asparagus Lettuce. Looking at its nutritional value, I'm happy to find a wide ranging good minerals and vitamins in this vegetable. And know where I got this pictorial diagram of Lettuce (below)? It was in a toddler's book(made up of flash cards) which introduces a variety of fruits and vegetables as a form of everyday learning. I am amazed!

If you manage to find lettuce stems in your supermarket, try them. They are grown for both its leaves and its stalks. With the stems, you can simply do a stir-fry with green onions, garlic and marinated tofu slices (option); then lightly season with salt, white pepper, and sesame oil.

With the leaves, go ahead with a garlic stir-fry like you would for any green leafy greens.

I can find this vegetable in Ranch 99 (not sure if it is available in Singapore). Good! With kale and chayote, lettuce stem is another newbie to my list of vegetable-to-buy in future. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, this vegetable has unique nutritional value - due to the presence of lactucrium, aids digestion and has anti-inflammatory effects; with potassium, the vegetable can help regulate blood pressure, muscle contraction and keep body processes working right. Won't this be a great introduction to Weekend Herb Blogging, with Cook Almost Anything?

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  1. I never tasted lettuce stems yet but they definitely look tempting! Hope you had a great new year celebration! Happy New Year!

  2. When I saw your picture, I realised I had cooked this before but I only know the name of this vege from you. Thanks!

  3. i love lettuce stems!we saute them

  4. Haven't seen an actual lettuce stem before although I love the canned version that goes so well with white porridge. I saw on TV before that you can stir-fry it with 'fu yue' too.

  5. Happy New Year!! I always thought lettuce is the big light green leafy veggie. This is new to me. If I see it, I'll buy and give it a try.

  6. looks like a deliciously cleansing meal!

  7. I have not tried the stems and I don't think I have seen them over here. Your dish looks tasty!

    Mine are here and here.

  8. hmm..i don't think I've had this before. Have to look out for it!

  9. I was just talking with a friend (Wandering Chopsticks) the other day about this veggie and she said that these are labeled as "bamboo sticks" in the market by her. Too many names!

  10. haven't seen this year b4 I think. Yum looks good!

  11. I've never tried them before - I'll keep a lookout for them in the grocery store.

  12. lettuce , choy sum ? pickled cucumbers or green stalk ? are they all da same ?
    lol !

  13. I have started coking lettuce too, it is such a plain vegetable but that very wonderful and subtle taste when it is lightly blanched! It is great you are doing this post!

  14. First time seeing the picture and have yet to see it in real life yet. My supermarket here doesn't carry it. When you mean the stem, you mean that thing that looks like root?

  15. I doubt I can find this here at all. Your dish makes me miss Chinese veggies so much.

  16. They're definitely high in fibre! :)

  17. confusing but tons of fibers for sure!

  18. you always introduce us to the most interesting veggies! I love it.
