Kale Winter Vegetable Soup of the Day - with Salmon and Tofu

A heart-healthy seasonal soup for winter. Best way to use seasonal produce (kale) and concoct the best dish (soup!) to comfort us during winter.

Kale Soup with Salmon and Tofu
Ingredients: Kale (note: best to get organic - classified as one of the Dirty Dozen), rinsed and tear leaves to smaller pieces; 1 garlic, finely minced; 1/2 box soft tofu, cubed; 1 salmon fillet, sliced; salt and white pepper to taste

Directions: Add oil to heated pan. Saute garlic briskly, then add kale and fry till leaves softened. Add water then add tofu and add salt and pepper to taste. When almost ready (kale almost cooked), add in salmon pieces and simmer till salmon is cooked (note: do not overcook salmon). Drizzle 2 drops of sesame oil to flavor up. Serve immediately.

Remember Kale, this winter vegetable? Many ways to cook them. Other than a soup like this, you can also stir fry with garlic. I personally prefer the soup version. This soup made from winter vegetable - kale, goes to Monthly Mingle: Winter Fruits and Vegetables. Monthly Mingle is organized by Meeta from What's for Lunch, Honey? each month.

Try my other Soup of the Day:
Chicken Soup - a natural immunity booster
Watercress Soup - a natural expectorant
Luffah Tomato Soup - a beauty soup

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  1. I love the appearance of this soup! This is timely because I always get chills at night. The weather is not getting any better.

  2. I'm so making this soup for me and my little girl. Got to get her to be a bit more Chinese. lol!

  3. your kale looks like seaweed when cooked in this way, very appealing ^_^

  4. That is very healthy! Soups r certainly the best for winter. It is hard to find good kale here.. resulted in me not willing to buy!

  5. So healthy and delicious, I want to try this with other green since I don't buy kale anymore.

  6. This is so delicious and healthy. can I try some, Please?

  7. I don't know why but i try to stay away from kale...maybe i'll give it a go soon.

  8. dont I love this soup, so awesome, I love greens!

  9. This looks delicious especially with lots of tofu.

  10. I love kale, first had it in Ireland many moons ago, I've been a fan ever since...I think your soup looks gorgeous!!

  11. That looks very healthy and delicious, just the type of soup that I love. Great for this cold weather. Thanks for sharing.

  12. This is really a perfect one-dish meal. Healthy and delicious!

  13. oh i shd have visited your blog earlier before my kale went yellow and wilted! this soup looks good. :)

  14. Kale and tofu soup! Looks delicious...it is a "must try" :-)

  15. I've never thought of making an Chinese-style soup with kale! It looks good though!

  16. this is very healthy but I am not fond of salmon for soups =(

  17. I would definitely like some of this to warm me up! Kale is one of my favorite winter veggies.
