Wontons (Dumplings) in Chicken Soup

I have been yearning for soup more often than before. I just find it too comforting.

Wonton dumplings in MSG-laden soup or plain bland "natural broth" labeled as "water"? NO! When it is home-cooked, we can't be doing that.

Homemade wontons in homemade chicken soup, courtesy of S.

We do not need the most expensive food such as sharks fin and bird's nest to define the quality of life. Often, simple matters like a bowl of nutritious and warm chicken soup with homemade wontons that makes a person happy and satisfied when defining a meal. Savoring such comfort food in your own cozy corner, without the noise and clamor of a mad rush is just...LIFE.


Also try this Gojiberry Chicken Soup to boost your immunity for the cold/flu season. This soup is just TOO GOOD.!

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  1. oooh - yummy!
    Going to definitely check out the Gojiberry Chicken Soup as well


  2. looks yummy and very comfort food. I agree this is a simple pleasure of life :)

  3. love homemade food! it's more delicious when its homemade..

  4. Yummmyyyyyyyy! I just love it.

  5. I've yet to make Wontons...scary lol
    but having mastered pasta I'm willing to give it a go, they look great in soup....fingers crossed!

  6. Mmmmmm... I would love a serving right now. :) Happy WW!

    My entries:
    Take a coffee break...
    Life's Tricky Situations

  7. Nothing beats drinking a bowl of good soup daily.

  8. looks so wonderfully naturally delicious...i hate msg + hot water broth :p

  9. I love keiji/gojiberry/wolfsberry in soups! And I agree, we don't need anything artificial from a bottle or a packet to make good broth for the soup nor do we need overly fancy/expensive ingredients.

    You know, whenever I visit your blog, I keep wishing we have winter in Malaysia so I can enjoy some of these piping hot comfort foods you make even more so! :D

  10. You just reminded me the I have a pack of wonton wraps in my fridge, should plan to make some wonton soup now that the weather is getting colder...yummie!

  11. It is the simple things in life and what's more nourishing to body and soul than soup?

    Thanks for sharing, I'm feeling a bit more comfy now:)

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