Chili Tuna and Corn Pasta

I love simple recipes that taste good (who does not?). I almost felt embarrassed to post something which was basically "assembled". But then I reckon that simple ideas that give flavor to food would not turn most people away. So, this is my easy Chili Tuna and Corn Fusili for Presto Pasta Nights - this week is back to my favorite blog host, Ruth from Once upon a Feast.

Pasta is always a fall-back for worker bees, in my opinion. When I was working, I was even lazy and tired to fry Chinese green vegetables. What I often do is to blanch them before consumption. Too bland? Mix them as a salad, with a flavored gravy/sauce from another dish.

In this recipe, when the corn kernels and chili tuna are mixed with blanched vegetables and cooked pasta, you get the sweetness from corn, spice and savory from tuna to blend with the natural light flavors of vegetables. The vegetables and pasta absorbs the flavors every well and finally, a well-balanced dish in terms of taste, color and even nutrition.

Chili Tuna and Corn Fusili
Ingredients: Canned tuna; corn kernels, fresh or drained from a can; blanched vegetables, sliced to smaller pieces; cooked fusili (or any shell pasta)

Directions: Place cooked pasta, corn kernels, tuna and vegetables in a deep mixing bowl and mix gently and thoroughly

A little spice walks us through gradually when temperatures start to show signs of dropping for the next few months.

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  1. haha this looks really interesting...

  2. True enough , simple dishes are simple and good. Tho this mantra/philosophy is frequently overlookded as people try to outdo themselves, then fall over

  3. hihi i wanna cook corn fried rice tonight...

  4. yum yum!!! Tuna in pasta- super easy and a great nutritious dinner too.

  5. Where did you buy the chili tuna? I don't think I have seen chili tuna here. You seem to eat very lightly seasoned food.

  6. Hi thanks for dropping by my site. Your food picture looks great with using normal camera. Macro settings are very clear. Keep up the good work!

  7. mmm chili tuna sounds amazing and the pictures are making me hungry.

  8. Did you say pasta and tuna? Perfect for my training :)



  9. In place of the tuna, you could use cooked shrimp -- with the corn and pasta, it would be delicious.

  10. Simple recipe, who doesn't love it? It looks colorful too.

  11. Speaking of pasta, I recently tried out a recipe for Tomato Cream Pasta with Prawn from a lovely cooking blog. Tomato-based pasta sauces can get boring while fully creamy sauces can get heavy. Your brother loves tomato cream sauce, especially with hot chili pepper flakes and garlicky prawns. The fresh herbs really do add a special touch.

    Here it is:

  12. Everyone needs a good throw-together pasta dish every once in a while. I love how colorful this is and you're right - the winter is the best for spicy food to warm up the cold nights.

  13. Thanks for the "winter warmer" I'll be making this for sure!

  14. Oh, I like this one. And I would prefer to have it served cold.

  15. I do this from time to time too. just tuna and corn... my version is much plainer than yours hehe

  16. Hehe.. I do this too!
    I have tried many kinds of the Ayam Brand tuna flavours and have experimented with pasta etc.

    Yours looks nicer with more ingredients :-)
