Cabbage and Carrot Indian Curry

Cabbage must be one of the most "cross-functional" vegetables. They appear more "international" in various cuisines - Western, Chinese, Indian, Malay etc., compared to a vegetable such as Bok Choy (there must be a reason why Bok Choy is typically classified under "Chinese Vegetable") which I would almost never see in Indian food or Malay food, unless you do a fusion of cuisine, just like how I attempted to use Bok Choy in Beef and Mushroom Pasta.

I vary cuisines in my cooking, quite often. While I frequently use cabbage in Chinese dishes such as Mixed Vegetables Stew- Chap Chye, Fried Rice and Chinese Stir Fry, I go for a change once in a while and maybe?... ...use a different cabbage variety like Red Cabbage in a Stir Fry or try a different cooking style by tapping on Indian spices and call the dish, an Indian dish? Cabbage is also popularly used in a Southeast Asian dish, Sayur Lodeh

This is an easy and tasty cabbage dish I enjoy. And especially in the cold seasons, the mild spices in this dish would particularly make me yearn for an extra bowl of piping warm steamed rice. Just rice topped with this Indian cabbage curry...can be pleasure.

Indian Cabbage Curry
Ingredients: 1 small head cabbage, shredded; 1 small carrot, shredded; 3 cloves garlic, minced; 2 shallots, thinly sliced; 1/2 tsp ground cumin; 1/4 tsp turmeric; 1/2 tbsp curry powder; pinch of red chili flakes; pinch of salt and black pepper

1. In a heated pot with some oil, add shallots and garlic and fry till fragrant
2. Add carrots and cabbage, stir and mix well. Then add, ground cumin, turmeric, curry powder and mix thoroughly in the pot
3. Cover pot and allow mixture to simmer for about 20 minutes, till cabbage softens (and reduces in volume). Stir and mix occasionally for spices to be absorbed into the vegetables
4. Add chili flakes, then salt and black pepper to taste

To keep it light, you can have this dish as salad and why not, if there is this light meal event going on till 31st October 2009 ? Hop over and take up with your vegetarian recipes.

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  1. This dish is simple yet appetizing! Looks so good.

  2. I like this combo of flavours!!

  3. Simply delicious! I like both veggies. :)

  4. mmm.... great for my hubby's vegetarian days. :)

  5. I love cabbage but I've never tried it with cury

  6. looks really delish and the cabbage still look crunchy and not mushy after cooking. I need more rice to go with this =)

  7. simple tasty and super healthy! i need more recipes like this :)

  8. Yummy and delish! I love cabbage - they are so sweet and crunchy :)

  9. you know what? i ate this for lunch today! at the Indian mixed rice stall.

    they add in the mustard seeds too right? :-)

  10. the indian cabbage curry looks appetizing. thanks for sharing the recipe.

  11. I tend to have mixed feelings about cabbage but I think that the curry flavoring would push me over the edge. Yum!

  12. Still prefer Chinese curry veges.

  13. Mmmm...I loved Indian style fried cabbage too and the cauliflower.

  14. This is a dish that I am sure I'll try, simple and yet tasty. Nice pictures!

  15. Looks absolutely delicious..thanks for participating

  16. Healthy vegetarian recipe. It contains the natural sweetness from the vegies and the sweet aroma from the spice. :)

  17. Definitely a perfect companion for both rice and porridge!

  18. Well, you know, I actually quite like cabbage, especially for that chinese vegetarian dish.

    But somehow Cynthia dislikes cabbage. She said it has low nutrition value ... lol.

  19. I made this for lunch today and I loved it. It tastes amazing over rice. The only thing I changed was I substituted onion for the shallots since I didn't have any on hand.
