Chinese Steamed Seabass - the Martin Yan way

Got to try this after watching an episode of Martin Yan on public television. His theory of placing the fish this way during steaming comes from the fact that steam is uniformly distributed throughout the fish, compared to the usual way where the fish lies flat on the plate when steaming, in which one side (side touching the plate) cooks at a different rate than the other side (side facing up). What do you think?

Steamed Whole Seabass

Ginger, green onions, tomatoes and mushrooms + one "live" seabass (bought from Ranch 99 market) - EASY, NUTRITIOUS and TASTY! Steam for 10-15 mins depending on size of fish.

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  1. "DON'T EAT ME!!!" Hahaha...exact expression on that fish's face.

  2. love the idea of adding tomatoes + mushrooms :D

  3. loved the stuffed mushroom in the fish! as for the technique...not sure...if it would make a difference without trying it.

  4. The seabass mouth wide open looks a bit scary hehe :P wah so good, u get to cook with live fish ... must be super fresh! Interesting technique, must try it out one day :D

  5. Yeah, the fish kinda went from terrifying in the first pic with the gaping mouth to really cute after it was stuffed with the mushroom... I thought it was a preserved plum initially... we use that in steamed fish dishes too, right? :)

  6. Whoa!Looks like the fish is gonna have us for dinner!!hehe..Love steam fish..

  7. Ah......the fish is screaming for help, see its mouth is widely open. :)

  8. Good point about the position of the fish, but how do you do it flr flat fishes like soles or pomfret?

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Well, he certainly got his point! I should try steaming it this way too. Wish we have Ranch 99 here. :(

  11. You make fishy like it is screaming :). And then the mushroom makes it look as if it got covered or is eating a gigantic piece of food.

    Whole seabass at 99 Ranch? Haven't seen that yet. Are they the live ones or are they not? So far I've seen tilapia, cod, and basa...

  12. Can't see the photo. I'm using Firefox.

  13. Wow, it's so colorful! Looks delicious too.

    Btw, my fruit salad's dressing is made up of cream and condensed milk.

    My entries:
    Mommy's Little Corner

  14. Mmmmm, looks good! Happy WW.

    Mine are here and here.

  15. This is easy, I think I can do this. TFS!

    Happy New Year!

  16. There's no way I can eat that dish or even eat any fish for today. Seeing a dark skinned fish with mouth open like that served in front of me can just ruin my appetite big time no matter how good it tastes. =(

  17. belated merry christmas and a very happy new year to come to you and your family!

  18. ton poisson m'a fait peur mai je trouve ton plat délicieux
    bonne soirée

  19. That fish looks really fresh! Did you stuff its mouth with a ... mushroom?!
