Fried vermicelli street food is indulgence for me in Singapore?

Hey folks! I have been back visiting in Singapore since Christmas and will be staying for about a month before I return to California. Street and hawker food is usually what I indulge in (yes, a luxurious word for cheap and good hawker fare) when I am in Singapore because they are rare in California. Well, I am quite sure I can NEVER find food packaged THIS WAY! Just so nostalgic and so real!

In California, take-outs  are common but packed in styrofoam boxes like that, and not this...
In Taiwan, take-outs are sometimes packed in paper boxes like that, and not this...

Yes, in that brown paper lined with thin plastic film (package equally unhealthy as styrofoam box) lies really simple foodfare of fried vermicelli paired with chicken wings, "purse"egg (荷包蛋 equivalent to sunny-side up), some spicy long beans and pickled green chili! Yeah! Yes, sinful but tasty! It is not everyday foodfare so it is ok. We call that Economic Bee Hoon (经济 米粉). Weird name but that's how we call it.

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  1. mmm bringing back great memories!!

  2. Hehee...because the name is economic 经济 means everything is at the minimal cost.

  3. Oh, I think that type of packaging makes the food taste better! =)

  4. I miss this sooo much! Simple and oh so good.

  5. You are torturing me with these pictures!

  6. Oh gosh, and when it comes wrapped up in this kind of parcel it is even better!

    I remember buying Chinese food back in Guyana and it would first be in grease-proof paper and then in a brown paper bag. The smells would make me ravenously hungry and home seemed a long way away!

  7. After adding the chicky wings, eggs and beans, the packet costs more than $3 hor.

  8. wow!! you so syoik!! can makan this mee!! aiyoh!! somemore can go back to Singapore via Cali anything you like!! you're killing me:p just thinking about the great food you eat there!!

  9. Dora, surprisingly it is just about 2 bucks. Without the chicky wings, just abt 1.70! :D

  10. yummy indeed! i love 'economic beehoon' hahaha

  11. So you will leave for California after CNY. :)

  12. ECL, will leave before CNY. I actually don't enjoy CNY here....*shhhh....*

  13. $2???~~ that is so cheap! and it looks really tasty too! i have never seen noodles like that wrapped in paper. interesting :)

  14. Hi, I didn't know you were Singaporean!!

  15. eat till you drop while you're in singapore. :)

  16. This look so good..I will come to your blog more often, you have a nice blog.

  17. i love street food... u cant get the same taste in a fancy hotel or restaurant :) but i have never tasted this before ...looks delicious!!

  18. I love how this noodles looks!

  19. in bsg , you will have a team like us
    or something like that.and yes , we eat fish take-away with rubberbands too

  20. this is my kind of breakfast! Oily and salty... my fave hehe :D

  21. Used to have this type of bee hoon for breakfast too. I like fish fillet and sunshine up, and a pack of bee hoon was enough for my breakfast and lunch! I am a bee hoon lover.
