Tri-Color Bell Peppers Omelette - rainbow diet or "traffic light'"

If pediatricians recommend a rainbow diet to toddlers and infants, for the wide-ranging colors leading to essential and complete nutrition, adults should look at this with thoughts and action too. Recently, I have been trying to incorporate different colors of nutrition into our diet. Well, vegetables are good. Greens are essential but too boring. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet - colors of the rainbow. I do not have difficulties with the first four colors but can someone give me more options for Blue, Indigo and Violet. Eggplant falls into this category. What else?

If attaining a rainbow diet is too ambitious, why not try the "traffic light" diet as a first step?

The ingredients are pretty basic and colorful as laid out in my "new' kitchen organizer - muffin pan.

Bell Peppers Capsicum Omelette
Ingredients: Bell peppers , rinsed and diced; 1 onion, diced; 2 eggs, whisked; salt to taste; freshly ground black pepper

Directions: Heat some oil in the pan and when pan is hot, add in onions and fry till partially translucent. Then add in peppers, add salt and pepper. And add the whisked egg around the pan. Finish off with more freshly ground black pepper.

And since it is Wholesome Breakfast over at Spice your Life, this tri-color peppers omelette should work well as a sandwich filler for a kid's breakfast or even a packed lunch to school. I know some kids shun away from bell peppers but I hope the colors will entice them and that bell peppers can be incorporated as part of the diet.

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  1. I heard that the more colourful the veg, the more nutritious. I should start a rainbow diet too hehe

    I used all 3 peppers for my vegetarian pita pizza recently, very colourful!

  2. Wow! very colourful and healthy omelette :D

  3. great colors! I have to make this. I love colorful food!

  4. oh my goodness, this is awesome, I njust fall in love with the colours, so beautiful and the best part is the dish looks yummy too! :)

  5. My son loves bell peppers. The omelette looks so colourful!

  6. That is such a colourful and appealing dish! I bet the texture of the peppers and eggs will be great together too!

  7. Nice omelette, and the colors are great...nice for a healthy breakfast treat :-)

  8. OMG...looks really delicious :D

  9. Bring on the colours babe , who doesnt love a colourful meal - nutritious too !

  10. Traffic light omelete, hmm...sounds so healthy and looks so yummy!

  11. my mum cooks by that method- there must be lots of colour (natural of course) in her dish to please her! also, it gives us all the right vitamins and nutrients, doesn't it?

    how about purple sweet potatoes? i love those actually.

  12. that looks appetising and i haven't taken my breakfast. I could even smell the omelette from here.

  13. I have been eating rainbow diet. The basic: red, green, white, orange, yellow, purple frequently. Not just for the young ones, we adults should follow this diet too. Rainbow color makes your food colorful and more appetizing too, just look at your omelette!

  14. kakakaka i love the traffic light diet idea! :D

  15. Mmmmm, so colorful and delicious. Happy WW.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  16. Looks delicious. Wish I wasn't out of eggs and could make one :)

  17. Beautiful colors, and I think the muffin pan organizer idea is brilliant and definitely something I could use too.

  18. Happy New Year my foodie friend!
    I love the idea of this!
    I'm sold on the colours alone!

  19. hmmm, yum! i just had onion omelet this morning

  20. this looks delicious! I also love your idea for using a muffin tin as an ingredient organizer while cooking - brilliant! Welcome to foodie BlogRoll!

  21. That looks awesome..I just showed it to my daughter and she says she wants it!..will be trying it soon

  22. Thanks for the lovely entry

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  24. Breakfast can be fun with my kid with this! Will cook this for him tomorrow! Thanks.

  25. That looks really delicious and healthy too. Making one for breakfast.
