Star Fruit, Carambola - an old wife's remedy ?

You don't call a starfruit (also known as Carambola) STAR fruit for no reason.

The old wife's remedy for an uncomfortable or sore throat is to eat starfruit dipped in some salt. Have you heard that before? It might sound too far-fetched but with this fruit being high in Vitamin C and with salt being sometimes regarded as an antibacterial, I guess all of us can take a leaf from the book and say, old wives tales may not be totally untrue.

Well if this method works to loosen up the phlegm in my throat, I can proudly say "You are my STAR!"

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  1. That is really a star fruit! I miss eating that. We used to pick this from our neighbors and we call that locally as "Balingbing"

  2. Star fruit juice with salt is my remedy for sore throat too. Even if it's not true, it just tastes great hehe

  3. Will have to give that one a go :)

  4. I'm sorry your throat is hurting!

    Well, I've heard that gargling salt water helps a sore throat. And that eating vitamin C does as well. So combine the two - you're sure to be cured immediately!

  5. The remedy that I know is cucumber with salt, similarity.

  6. Great tip shared. :)
    I must remember this.

  7. I must have this now because I'm having a sore throat too.

  8. hey hi wow this is an interesting post haha... It is amazing how star fruit can cure sore throat... There was this time when I was young i just kept drinking fruit juice and the sore throat went off within one day! But that was the only time ha...

  9. Haha very funny! We used to do the same thing too!

  10. It's surely very refreshing to the throat. I love this but can't get star fruit sad :(

  11. My boy wont eat it if I cut it different way. He will only eat when he sees stars!! :D

  12. Never heard of that remedy but whenever I am back in Penang, I always order starfruit juice at kopitiam, so good and refreshing, I don't know why this type of fruit juice is so hard to come by in the US?!

  13. Even if it doesn't work, it sounds a lot yummier than most home remedies.

  14. love star fruit especially in summer. i included star fruit chunks in a crumble before. plus, it looks so pretty!

  15. Yum, I love star fruit. I haven't heard of it being used for sore throats before. Interesting.

  16. Sounds like a good idea- have heard of salt with other fruits but not starfruit yet. Haven't had starfruit or seen it in years now. Hope you get better :).

  17. I haven't had star fruits for years...kinda miss it now..

  18. Heard of that too! I haven't had star fruits in ages...

  19. Thanks for reminding me! I actually know this remedy but forgot it for some time now. Like they say, use it or lose it. :P

  20. I miss this fruit, used to eat when I was a kid but no more now...can't find it anywhere

  21. sore throat is not a lot of fun its just uncomfortable and difficult to swallow.

    usually, i would take the Nim Jiom Cough Syrup ( ) which has a thick consistency formulation. it coats the throat and includes herbs that are particularly good for that application.

    i hope it works on you as well.
