Quail Eggs in Soy Dressing, and a misconception

There are many food/ingredient misconceptions I have had which I have come to realize quite recently. Ghee (is evil) is one such example. Look at what people are sharing with me about ghee in this Q n A board. Then, the permanent imprint in my head of VERY HIGH cholesterol in quail egg is another (avoid, avoid, high cholesterol!)

Due to ignorance and lack of the urge to seek it out in the past, I have tried to shun quail eggs (this is not about moderation but making better choices at times). More often, we take chicken eggs.

BUT, IN FACT, quail eggs have similar cholesterol level as chicken eggs and their nutritional value (proteins, vitamin B1, iron, potassium) is 3-4 X higher than that of chicken eggs. The proteins in quail eggs are also more digestible, thus kids and the elderly will be in much better shape to take quail eggs if they do want to eat eggs. Yay, now I can moderate among eggs, chicken eggs, quail eggs...

Hard-boiled eggs are also considered more digestible. The following is one easy side-dish that can be prepared.

Quail Eggs in Soy Sauce Dressing
Ingredients: A few hard-boiled quail eggs; [Dressing] 1/2 tsp of soy sauce (I use 1/2 tsp of dark soy sauce); 1/2 tsp or less of brown sugar; drizzle of sesame oil; 2-3 tbsp water to dilute the dressing.
Directions: Prepare the dressing by mixing in a bowl, then immerse the eggs in the dressing.

I love this with plain warm congee.

Egg recipes:
Sambal Chili Eggs
French Bean Omelette
Steamed Egg Custard
Egg Masala

Egg Cooking Tips and Tricks:
Egg Cooking Tips
Fuss-Free Half Boiled Eggs
Egg Traceability

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  1. "shun" = "stay away from"/"avoid" so your addition of "away from" to "shun" is redundant. FYI.

  2. Thanks. I am actually quite particular about such grammer/vocab. Have corrected it.

    How about comments on quail eggs?

  3. So interesting- They certainly do look good!
    I love your site!

  4. I love to eat eggs, prawns, seafood~~all these are high cholesterol level food but I will cut down to take these maybe two to three times a month.
    Take a look at my Prawns & Quail Eggs in Spicy Sauce
    Very sinful...

  5. i love quail eggs. I will try this soy dressing

  6. Quail eggs do get a bad rap. I don't know about the cholesterol, but I just know them as being too "yang".

  7. These look so cute and delicious. I have to go and hunt for quail eggs to make this.

  8. Ahh ... Thanks for sharing the info with us! Now, I can feel less guilty when I'm taking quail eggs ... Hehe ...

  9. I usually eat quail eggs with tong shui. Tks for sharing such a valuable info! Now, I can start to moderate among eggs. ;)

  10. As a kid, I loved quail eggs because we got them pretty fresh. I haven't tried quail eggs here. Perhaps, I need to try them soon.

  11. I like eating quail eggs... btw, it's believed not to eat too much of quail eggs coz' it caused ulcer to kids.

  12. hmm haven't had this in ages, I only have this when having steamboat. Interesting info.

  13. I love quail eggs, it's one of the main "street food" in Tamshui (A scenery spot in Taiwan). People use premade grill pans with little holes to cook small quail eggs!

  14. Oh, I guess I have to thank my dad then. He always made me eat quails eggs regularly growing up, telling me how nutritious they are. I have never rationed myself even as an adult, cos it's not everyday that we eat them anyway.

  15. I love the look of these quail eggs in soy dressing - it sounds delicious. Eggs are something I get in a habit of repeatedly making the same way - really need to try new methods, and with this yummy recipe I have no excuse.

  16. I love quail eggs. I like them in my steamboat and dipped in hot sauce. :)

  17. 1 quail egg is almost equivalent to 1 chicken egg right? And we tend to eat more quail eggs because it is small, at least 5 in one setting perhaps, thus resulting in over eating the cholesterol amount. Of course once in a while is fine for people who don't have cholesterol problem.

  18. I love quail eggs! I've only had canned ones before though, never fresh!
    And like Little Corner of Mine...I think the problem is you eat so many! normally I would only eat one regular egg, but if I cook a can of quail eggs in either in soup or stir-fry, I'll eat a lot more...

  19. MMMMmm I love quail eggs!!! They are really delicious, and as silly as this sounds I love that they are so small -- it makes it more fun to eat :) I never knew they were actually so nutritious...I guess more reason to eat them!

  20. Oh I haven't eaten these for awhile coz my mom told me when I planned to cook it for a Christmas dish that it has higher cholesterol...now can have quail eggs again after reading this:)

  21. LCOM, then I can eat just 1 quail egg in future - same cholesterol but more nutrition? Kekeke...

  22. this is awesome! simple and yet so tsaty in flavour!

  23. oh I have heard the opposite- that quail eggs have low or no cholesterol. Or at least some egg farms claim that I think. hard boiled quail eggs are me and my hamster's fave... haha ... shall moderate my intake after seeing LCOM's comment :p

  24. Lol, i think ur hamster may have high colesterol.

  25. It is a wonderful idea using quail eggs, it turned into such an elegant dish!

  26. Errr.... If u are particular about your Grammer/vocab(as in comment no2), then your grammer should have been spelt as "Grammar".

    Once my cousin who stayed with my family had low blood pressure, and my mom bought her 100 quail eggs to bring with her to KL. She asked me how to eat 100 quail eggs?? I told her to fry 10 eggs at a time. The next week she went for a check up, blood pressure was high!!!!
    Pan fried quail eggs are so so nice.. but never indulge. Once a while is fine.

  27. wendyywy, thanks for spotting that!
