Pickled Green Chili Condiment with (Any) Dry Noodles

There is a major difference when a Singaporean and a Hong Konger eats her noodles: Wonton Noodles, Fried Rice Noodles with Gravy (Hor Fun, 河粉), or Fried Rice Noodles in Egg Gravy (Wat Dan Hor).


Choice of sambal chili/garlic-chili/red chili in soy sauce/pickled green chili.

I am for Pickled Green Chili with Shredded Chicken Noodles,

with Fried Vermicelli,

with Wonton Noodles

Apparently, this is something unique to South Asia. I enjoy it because the sour, spice and that hint of sweetness are well-balanced and somehow, magically, the greasy feeling is gone. I even like pickled green chili with fried rice!

How to make Pickled Green Chili: Fresh green chilli, seeded and sliced; some white rice vinegar or distilled white vinegar; sugar, salt, water. Mix, then store in air-tight or vacuum-sealed container and refrigerate.

Which condiment do you like, with the noodles above ?

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  1. I know what you mean about the pickled green chilli being something more Southeast-Asian. I am more of a chili oil sorta guy, you know the stuff you get at HK or Shanghai eateries/restaurants? With chili flakes pounded into oil?

    But on a hot summer day, them pickled green chillies taste so much better. :)

  2. I love pickled green chili in my wantan mee and sharkfin soup, yummy.

  3. Pickled green chilli for wantan mee for sure - sambal chilli for Hokkien mee - cut red chilli in soy sauce for fried rice/mee hoon

  4. I am so making this!! It is really a kick to the tastebud!!

  5. I like pickled bird's eye chili, more oumph! :P

  6. kenny, that's hot stuff you like ;p
    I like it but sometimes somehow, this chili you are talking just numbs me and I can't taste anything more in my food! :O

  7. Sonia, sharksfin soup!?!?!?!? Cannot imagine green chili in that? ;O

  8. The Sudden Cook, yea...sambal chilli with Hokkien mee for me too :) ....hmmmm....hokkien mee just does not seem to go well with green chili. Even sliced red chili is better with Hokkien Mee.

  9. little inbox, you are HOT!

  10. Always a big jar in my fridge :)

  11. Very appetizing! I love esp. the one with wonton noodles and char siew!

  12. 3 hungry tummies, *jealous*

  13. Oh....I love this green chili pickles. It's so good with noodles. I need to make a big bottle.

  14. GREEN CHILLI!!! OMG, I love it with all the noodle/kway teow dishes, especially those with gravy. Must have BIG BIG saucer next to me. :) I am so going to make my own after seeing this post!

  15. Ooh thanks for this very very helpful. My husband LOVES green chili!

  16. Ju, hahhaa...agree agree...esp those with gravy. And I like it with Yang Chow Fried Rice too! :O We cannot eat dishes like that together or will end up fighting for that small saucer of GREEN CHILI. Kekekekke...

    Hmmm...I am actually not sure of the quantity and ratio of ingredients to make that perfect pickle...*frowns*
    You make then post okie?

  17. For me I need to have pickle green chili for my noodles that is why I always make a big jar of it. Even hubby learns to eat it with his sandwiches :)

  18. I smiled when I saw the fried bee hoon in the brown paper - very market...:) but so typically local. Green chilies - we get it so easily here - I have taken too much for granted - yes they are good.

  19. I like both red chili in soy sauce and pickled green chilis. I have not had this pickled chili for a while. I never thought of pickling my own. I have to make some soon :)

  20. Hmm, I missed those spicy, sour flavors in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand... It is a good idea to make a jar of this to cure such.

  21. I love this in my bee hoon. The sour taste is so nice. My ang mo friend came to Singapore and bought 10 jars of it back and he calls it jalapeno hehe

  22. I am a bit greedy... I want sambal chili and pickled green chili

  23. Oh! My mouth is watering at the pickled green chili...open my appetite ;-)

  24. ICook4Fun, sounds like jalapeno in subs ;p

    shirley, I know it does not sound health-conscious and environ-friendly, but actually do prefer brown paper to styro boxes. Both equally 'not good' as packaging. :O

    wiffy, I know what he is talking about BUT they taste different. I have tried pickled jalapeno and definitely definitely prefer the local green chili when pickled :P

    mycookinghut, kekke...it is ok, as if we are all not greedy. Sambal chili is good for certain dishes like what The Sudden Cook says...Hokkien Mee. :D

    Juliana, got what you mean by the "opening" of appetite. Yes. I can down more fried rice when I eat with these pickles.

  25. I have always wanted to try fried vermicelli--green chili oh my too good!!


  26. Your noodle dishes look so yummy! I can't say that I have pickled green chili, although it sounds great, but I would be happy with some chopped green chili mixed in and some fresh cilantro leaves and a dash of citrus too!

  27. Pickled green chili sounds great to me! I love pickled jalapenos in Tex-Mex food, and I'm sure I'd enjoy pickled chilis in noodles too.

  28. tasteofbeirut, thanks! Maybe I can try that too.

    lisaiscooking, sure you will!

  29. I think it's going to be perfect with fried or grilled fish too. Happy WW.

  30. LOVE pickled green chillies with cantonese fried and wan tan mee!! You are making me drool now..terrible you *wink*

  31. that noodles looks so good, I am now craving for one...

  32. You definitely said it. Pickled green chillies are a must with fried noodles, beehoon and fried rice.

  33. Are you my twin? The pickled green chili is my fav condiment and most preferred over the others as well simply because i like anything pickly and anything that's kinda soury. I tried to explain it to my pals once but they weren't convinced. The green chili pickle is too underrated but love your post dedicated to it! :)

  34. It seems that we have the same love for green pickled chili. That's my childhood favourite before I learnt how to eat chili padi.;)

  35. The won ton noodles would have to be my choice. It speaks to my childhood. ;)

  36. Simply Delicious, never tried it with fried or grilled fish before :O
    Will try next time.

    YoursDeliciously, agree. But Cantonese in HK does not seem to have it in their Won Ton Mee. I tried asking for some when I was in HK and the restaurants did not have it! And look at me with puzzled look!

  37. diva, yes my twin sista! You are so rightee! Not easy to convince and underrated, for sure!

    Food For Tots, chili padi! Hmmm...another HOT lady here! Kekeke.

    Carolyn, have you tried these pickles before?

  38. oh nice!! thanks for the recipe on the pickled green chili! i love this stuff at the restaurant. i usually load up on it cuz i like to eat spicy, but not TOO spicy. gotta try this!

  39. I love these sorts of condiment - we always have fun sampling them in the restaurant, and I am with you the pickle chilies are delicious. Cannot wait to try your version!

  40. When I go to unfamiliar stalls, I actually ask if they have pickled green chillies before I order. I think these lovely pickles make everything taste better, and I often need a second saucer. Thanks for posting this - i should try and make them.
