Roast Chicken with Ginger and Garlic, Spiced yet not Spicy

This is the roast chicken wings recipe, for what I served here. While the stove was occupied cooking other dishes...the oven served me well, proceeding in parallel. If you follow my blog, you might have noticed I like adding spices such as cumin, fennel, turmeric in some of my recipes. That is because I love the flavors of Indian cuisine infused in my dishes including this Spiced (but not Spicy) Roasted Chicken Wings recipe.

Spiced (but not Spicy) Roasted Chicken Wings
Ingredients: 4-5 chicken wings; pinch of cumin, fennel, turmeric each; 1/2 tbsp curry powder; pinch of salt and black pepper; 1/2 tsp dark soy sauce (note: for color purpose);1tsp of honey; 1/2 tsp brown sugar; 1tsp minced ginger with juice or 3-4 tiny knobs of ginger crushed with juice; 4 gloves garlic, crushed to smaller pieces.

Directions: Add all the ingredients in a deep mixing container and marinate the chicken wings for at least 45 mins (note: make small slits on the chicken wings so that the marinade get in there faster). When ready, pre-heat oven at 225deg C. Then roast in oven for about 20 mins to cook completely. You can increase oven temp to 250deg C and roast for another 3-5mins for lightly crisp skin.

Not the prettiest chicken wings but utterly finger-licking and superbly good :)  ...Oh, and the caramelized ginger and roasted garlic in honey and spices, is a bloody tasty aftermath.

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  1. the chicken wings look really pretty. I like the charred bits hehe

  2. This is a flavour combo I turn to so often.

  3. Wow, I can see the finger-lickin yumminess! You have given me an idea what to prepare for my birthday lunch this Wednesday. I'm planning to go Indian =) If you don't mind, I'd like to try your recipe and let you know the results this week. I know this particular dish is not Indian but it has cumin, fennel, turmeric and curry powder that are always present in most Indian dishes! Thanks and congratulations on your upcoming cookbook.

  4. Oh gosh, love roasted chicken wings very much. The ginger juice and garlic make chicken wings taste more delicious. I use them very often.

  5. The infusion of Indian spices plus honey is indeed a delicious combo. I normally use the Chinese 5 spice in my marinade for chicken. This is a wonderful recipe indeed.

  6. I like to use honey to marinate the chicken too. Yours sounds even better with the indian spices...must be full of flavours!

  7. I love food like this -- messy but good! One can never have enough caramelized garlic or ginger, either.

  8. Not the prettiest chicken wings? Oh but they look pretty... delicious to me! ;)

  9. Oh these chicken wings would be my daughters favorite. I will try it soon. Thanks for inspiring, Tigerfish.

  10. wiffy, charred bits...hee know how I scrapped them diligently from the foil? ;p

    We Ate This, sure you can try it but do adjust the quantity of spices as you deem fit, ok? I usually give an estimation in my recipe as the key of my recipe is to inspire and give the idea than to be perfect! ;p

    Christine, yes..the ginger and garlic after caramelization after the roasting is so good!

    Xiao Yen, five spice shd be good too! Add some coke? ;p

    Angie, flavorful indeed and I really lick my fingers after that.

    Carolyn, how I agree with you. I just had no time to plate it nicely - so just took photo of the chicken wings in the most naked look and off I went...eating. LOL!

    kenny, thanks for compliments :D

    Tuty, you are welcomed :)

  11. I love that finger-licking look. No one in my family can resist chicken wings. Love all the beautiful flavour there.

  12. Mary, my hb and I, both of us love chicken wings! And because of what I heard, now I need to make sure there are enough chicken wings to go around cos they say, if you just eat one chicken wing, you can't "fly" :O

  13. these definitely sound like they have an ideal amount of flavor and seasoning. Lick your fingers good!

  14. Fantastic and tasty looking chicken wings !!!!

  15. I believed the fennel, cumin and the curry powder would give a nice fragrant and taste to this dish...thanks for the recipe !

  16. wow great dish..with so many flavors hubby would love..great recipe


  17. OMG! My fav chicken is here! Pass me some dear! hehee ;)

  18. These look really the spice combo and can't wait to try! Thanks for sharing :)

  19. Hmm...look at it, sure it's finger licking good!

  20. This is simple finger licking good !! Yummy yummy.

  21. I do the honey and ginger juice marinate often but I think the spices will give it extra flavor. I will try this next time.

  22. Mmm...curry powder and honey are great combo! Looks delicious!

  23. This looks delicious. You know, chicken wings are my fave chicken part.

  24. Hi... thanks for stopping in at I know what you mean about the open face sandwiches, it's a lot more fun to eat two slices of what ever your using. So hard to cut calories. Ilove this recipe for chicken wings and would love to know if you have one for chicken livers Indian style. Let me know, great blog, Thanks, Keri (a.k.a. Sam)

  25. What a delicious and flavorful chicken dish.

  26. Roasting the chicken wings is an interesting idea... it gives you the taste and ease of chicken wings without deep-frying them. We've been grilling them lately.

  27. Very nice...I'd be tempted to grab all the garlic cloves first and shove them in my mouth!

  28. what do u mean by it not being pretty? That looks gorgeous to me!!!

  29. I love roast chicken of all sorts, you can't go wrong with whatever ingredients you marinate with. Even the simple American-style rotisserie with only salt and butter, and it's still good. :)

  30. Yum! Roast chicken wings are the fav around here! :)

  31. Mouth-watering delicious! I love the spices you use - especially with chicken!

  32. Joanne, lick them good and clean ;p

    Nyonyachef, yes you are right!

    Love2Cook and peachkins, also my fav part :)

    Biren, Anncoo, yes they blend in so well.

    Sam, I only braise chicken livers. Need Chinese five spice, ginger and green onions. I do not have an Indian recipe right now.

    Fearless Kitchen, really easier to put them in the oven than deep-frying.

    Julie, a garlic lover, aren't you?

    Daphne, they look messy, don't they? I could not be bothered to plate them nicely. Too hungry...:O

  33. Oooh, that looks amazing. I love garlic.

  34. Now, who can resist roasted chicken wings marinated this way!! Definitely not me!
