Tuna Pasta - Another Pasta Dish Hiding in the Pantry

Mark Bittman, The Minimalist (of The New York Times "A Pasta Dish Hiding in the Pantry") saved this post! Really. Coz' it is not the first time I made this and I have also blogged about it. But just because I have done similar, does not mean I cannot do it again. He posted his in time and I "saved" mine in time. "Repeat if it is a worthy trick" is my mantra for today. ^0^

This is also another macaroni calling-out-loud...well, the other has ridges while this does not. "Repeat if it is a worthy trick" is my mantra for today. Didn't I just say so?

Who has the time, energy and inspiration to cook everyday? I salute people who can cook every day, 3 meals a day! It is no easy job! 

When I feel like something quick and relatively effortless, I'll make this - Tomato-Chili Tuna Macaroni!

If the recipe ingredients and directions can be done in these few sentences, it IS easy cooking! Here goes *TAKES DEEP BREATH*: Canned tuna (AYAM* brand, tomato-chili); Choy Sum - Cai Xin (blanched whole leaves and cut into small bits); Macaroni (cooked, and set aside). Add in tuna and vegetables bits into the macaroni, toss well, and make a carbo + protein + fiber dish, out of everything. *desperately exhale*

I have this as a one-dish (semi- homemade) meal but you could call a salad out of it. Found some corn in the pantry as well? Add them in coz' it kinda sweeten up a savory-spicy pasta. Mark Bittman, The Minimalist claims that there is A Pasta Dish Hiding in the Pantry and I so agree with him; though I have made a far more inferior selection on the "fish" here using tuna instead of sardines but hey, I am keeping my pantry canned sardines for something else, ok ?And I use fresh green vegetables - he, onions.

A spoon could do all the feeding. Let us all have some "spoon feeding" at Presto Pasta Nights hosted by Ruth of Once upon a Feast.

Share with me your all-time quickest, most effortless homemade meal (which passed the taste buds, of course).

*AYAM brand: Ingredients are acceptable to me except not knowing what the thickener is.

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  1. HL, I do this sometimes too :)
    When I'm not so lazy, I'll put them in a baking dish, sprinkle cheese and pop into the oven for a while :P
    Voila baked pasta.
    The Man calls it the lazy dish.

  2. I had something similar for lunch today...a spoon-feeding pasta (all the leftover pasta)lunch!

  3. Simple, healthy and yet delicious. My favorite kind of food ! Erh...Never try Tuna yet.

  4. Lovely meal! Can also add some greens and become a salad. I also use Ayam brand tuna. I love it!

  5. What a comfort meal here ! simple and yummy!

  6. I also like to use this brand for sandwich. Will try your method next time.

  7. I've never had this tuna before. This looks like a delicious recipe.

  8. Hey, I enjoyed reading that article, too! I'm a huge fan of the investigative food journalism of the New York Times! I love Mark Bittman!

    Thanks for sharing your point of view on this, too! Your pasta dish looks really good! When we really look deep into our pantry, we actually can make a pretty decent meal with what's on hand instead of going shopping!

  9. Nice! I like this dish! So now they have tomato tuna too, not just sardine.

  10. tuna pasta is one of the most comforting dishes on a cold winters night. thanks for dropping by and saying hello:)

  11. My stomach is growling looking at this!

  12. I make tuna pasta very often. :) Kinda love it. But eating too much canned tuna makes me feel like a cat lol.

  13. I find tuna pasta delicious. I also make this often, if my girlfriends are coming over or family wants to go to pay a visit, this is one good dish that I can easily prepare. I have also tried adding basils and I am satisfied with the outcome. I also do bake them when I feel like it.

  14. I'm also using ayam brand for the tuna, sardines and baked beans. I like your quick pasta salad. I also made similar version but sans the chilli - I use tuna, corn, peas (microwaved), salt, pepper, and I think some melted butter. I think mine looks quite plain though muhahaha

  15. I bet this would be great hot OR cold. Umm, standing by the fridge, eating spoonfuls of it at midnight would be mighty fine, too. ;)

  16. Elaine, I can try the baked ones too when the weather is cooler (when?)

    petite nyonya, I like greens in pasta.

    Pei-Lin, how true. THat is why I keep my dry pantry rather limited on supplies cos I don't want to be eating pantry food all the time!

    Pam, I don't think they have this brand in the US...online maybe yes?

    LCOM, I think so. And many flavors too :P

    Anh, meow meow! Hahaha! I don't feel like a cat yet, so that means I don't eat tuna too often! LOL! The reverse works too, right?

    Kathy, you reminded me! I forgot my basil!

    wiffy, I don't like the canned plain tune - did you use that? I like canned plain sardines though!

    carolyn, that is the next macaroni commercial in the making? ;p I see you!

  17. I love canned tuna, they're so easy to get and always a great ingredient to use when cooking at home!

  18. This dish looks fantastic. Wow.

  19. great job...a quick meal and it looks ever so tasty!! Congrats!!


  20. Love how easy it is to make the pasta!

  21. yes using canned plain tuna. I dun like the chilli one. that's why i say my pasta is quite plain :p

  22. yumm...and easy too!!!!

  23. Oh yeah! simple and healthy- I like the chili AYAM brand tuna best!

  24. Cooking 3 meals a day is no joke. I really salute those mothers who have cooked for the family for more than 3 decades. I love quick and easy meals including this tuna pasta. ;)

  25. I have not used canned tuna to make pasta. This looks easy and delicious.

  26. All I have to say to this is - thank god for leftovers! Without them I would have absolutely no time to do anything. My favorite throw-together meal is pasta with black olives, tomatoes, and parmesan cheese. Things I always have on hand!

  27. I didn't catch this when you posted it earlier (just started following your wonderful blog) so I'm glad you posted it again. It looks wonderful!

  28. little inbox, definitely agree with you. :)

    wiffy, the chili one is very hot! Even got chili padi in there! I don't really like it either. Have you tried the tomato-chili one? Much nicer.

    Food for Tots, you are doing a great job too! I can see you take good care of the nutrition for your family meals. :)

    Joanne, maybe I can try yours without the black olives. Not a fan of black olives...

  29. You know, I already secretly love a regular tuna casserole-this one sounds even better! I'm putting this one into my files...

  30. This recipe is truly an East meets West dish and it is one of those that blend in perfectly!

  31. Stella, tuna casserole sounds good!

    Trissa, the only Eastern element should be the Chinese vegetable...

  32. I always have a few cans of the good old ayam brand tuna in my pantry! Your dish looks fantastic!
    I make something similar with some left over horfun :)

  33. I'm heading out to the 3-4 Asian markets in town and hopefully can find some of this ayam tuna in chili tomato sauce. Then I too will have a great pantry standby.

    I always have shrimp in the freezer, chorizo & black olives in the fridge. Cans of chickpeans and jars of sundried tomatoes live in my pantry.

    Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights.

  34. Looks like the perfect go to dish when you are running out of time and need something hearty!

  35. KL girl in MELB, AYAM something with hor fun? Sounds interesting!

    Ruth, sounds like you can make a pantry pasta already :)

    OysterCulture, indeed. :)

  36. Sounds like a great way to use tuna! This is definitely a quick and easy but probably delicious weeknight dinner! Great entry for PPN!

  37. Awesome recipe! Thanks for sharing this with us. I have tried making this the other day, and I must say that this is one of the best pastas I have cooked. My wife loved it too. It went well with a iced cold coffee drink I made from my new coffee maker at home, where the beans I grinded myself on my new coffee grinder Thanks.
