Set meal or a la carte ?
Weekend set lunchSome restaurants/eateries offer lunch and dinner set-meal promotions during the weekend. Some do so during the weekdays (usually to boost the otherwise poor business); some do so everyday. It depends on the business strategy of the restaurant owners.
Do set-meals spell trouble - mass-produced poor quality food? Most of the times, maybe? It depends.
We ordered two sets - which explains why you see some dishes with "double" portions on a plate. In all, two persons get to eat whatever you see on the plate collage (click collage to feast!)
The spread is quite extensive. There are dim sum items, sushi sashimi and other Chinese food fare. Here NT328 (~USD10.70) per person:
Super-value or reasonable? You tell me
Quality of food: Not really consistent in all the dishes. Mostly forgettable, except for the prawns. It is delicious and won me over.
Steamed prawns with garlic - I like the addition of glass or cellophane noodles to soak the gravy and essence.
Which do you prefer - set meal or a la carte ? What makes your decision - price, selection, value...or mood? :D
文心路一段538-1號 (大業路口)
Hong Kong New A-Do Tea House
Wen Xin Road Section 1, 538-1
Taichung City, Taiwan
Tag: set meal, taiwan eating
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