Curly Kale with Oyster Mushrooms 甘蓝菜炒蚝菇

I never get sick of kale and mushrooms, or kale with mushrooms.

Yet another easy stir-fry Curly Kale with Oyster Mushrooms 甘蓝菜炒蚝菇 with onions, carrots, oyster mushrooms and curly kale! This dish can be easily paired with any main course of pasta, noodles, rice or quinoa e.g. Quinoa Pilaf Plate.

Most often, I go with the basic garlic and mushroom stir-fries/saute when cooking with kale. The most adventurous I have gone for kale is to make pesto sauce out of them. Of course, kale chip is the IN thing too but I really don't fancy "overcooking" my vegetables in this way. Any time I feel like chips, it is still traditional potato chips.

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